Saturday, April 17, 2010

So proud of my alma mater (#7)

Playboy's 2010 top 10 party schools:

The Longhorns football team fell just short in the national championship game, but here’s a victory the entire school can claim a part of. We’re talking to you, bikinied coed in Devil’s Cove, and you, star wide receiver Jordan Shipley, and even the humanities library, which just purchased David Foster Wallace’s papers. When you add up academics, the weather, the liberal atmosphere, South by Southwest, game day and the nightlife on Sixth Street, UT Austin is one heck of a school. Hook ’em, Horns!

Nicole Dawn, West Virginia University#2 WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY
There’s not much to do in Morgantown except party, study and ignite furniture. Seriously. Scott, a freshman, tells us, “The tailgating at our women’s soccer games beats tailgating at most other schools.” Another frosh, Jakes, claims, “We drink two percent of all the world’s beer.” We believe you, guys, but please put down the lighters and step away from the Barcalounger.

Sydney Max, University of Wisconsin-Madison#3 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON
It’s the best beer-drinking school in the country. Quote us. And with Badger sports improving (but still frustrating), the faithful show they can drown their woes in drink without rioting (take notice, WVU). U-Dub is a strong research institution that, come Thursday night, spills its students onto State and Mifflin streets, which we call Lager Nirvana.

Alexandra Ford, University of Miami Florida#4 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA
Last year’s winner slipped a few spots in the standings, and it’s our fault. Miami still has fine women and weather, not to mention an impressive 11-to-one student-to-professor ratio. But being named our number one party school became a bit of an albatross, and the man soon ramped up mellow-harshing. Don’t get us wrong, though; we’d rather raise hell here than in Philadelphia.

JoAnn Roberts, East Carolina University#5 EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY
ECU, your reputation does not precede you. But you boasted about your prowess (“You can’t spell parties without Pirates!”), so we had to come check out the scene. Well, we have news for the rest of the country: Greenville, North Carolina is a happening city. And the administration even provides drunk-bus shuttles from downtown to campus.

Kylie Baze, Arizona State University#6 ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY
We called ASU onto the carpet for its academics last year, but the Sun Devils passed our three-day-weekend test: When we visited they seriously partied from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon, then drank a pot of coffee and made it to class on time.

It’s not the size of a school, it’s the commotion its students cause when they collectively rage. Rollins, in Winter Park, Florida, is the hardest-partying small school (1,785 undergrads) in the country. Yes, it feels like a high school but one that convenes in the clubs every weekend.

The Harvard of Santa Barbara—its faculty includes five Nobel Prize winners—is the perfect mix of sun goddesses, sand and studying. Chico State may get a touch higher, but UCSB grads go on to do great things after their six years in college.

It’s been more than 20 years since PSU made our list, but this New Hampshire institution of higher learning is back. Four things students dig are skiing, skiing, studying and smoking pot on the lake. Welcome back to the party.

Mallory Adams, University of Iowa #10 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA
The scene in what students call Iowa Fuckin’ City is epic. And last year the football team gave the Hawkeyes a reason to celebrate. As their song goes, “In heaven there is no beer; that’s why we drink it here.”*
(*here = Iowa Fuckin’ City)

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