Monday, January 7, 2008

Fortune shines on me...and my exboyfriend, I guess

Okay, so I had made the supremely stupid mistake of cosigning my exboyfriend's jeep loan. Of course he wasn't my exboyfriend then and I thought we'd be together forever or at least long enough for him to get the jeep refinanced in his own name (and I won't even tell how I stupidly loaned him money because that is a whole other story).
Anyways, I haven't really worried about the jeep since he moved out in September because he makes the payments on time and I own my own home so if I'm stuck here forever because of shitty credit ( credit is pretty good right now) caused by this jeep then it's my own fault. Nothing I can do about it.
But he was in an accident! He got hit by a car that ran a red light and the insurance company TOTALED OUT THE JEEP and thank god we had gotten the gap insurance because that paid for the rest. So in two weeks I will be free and clear and no longer have a jeep loan in my name. And thank god he is okay, too. Of course thank god he is okay.
Women in love do stupid things. Actually people in love do stupid things when they are in love. And then they pay for them when they aren't in love anymore.
I have found that thought as unlucky as I am in other parts of my life, financially things always seem to work out (even though I have a shitload of debt I am trying to pay off, but at least I finally have a job where I can afford to work at paying it off--DAMN my love of shopping!!!).
Today was supposed to be the first day of my new work out kicking butt to get in shape for a June girl's only trip and no go. Still feel too sick. Actually January 2nd was supposed to be the start, but since I was bedridden last week I rescheduled for today. Tomorrow is not looking good either. Maybe Wednesday. Yup, I'm going to plan on Wednesday. I should be better by then. But I did lose 5 lbs. thanks to not being able to eat anything last week (I'm sure regained by the Pizza Hut I ate for dinner).
Time to get ready for bed. Didn't sleep at all last night and need to take my cold meds.

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