Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Geriatric Dogs

I called the vet today and scheduled some appointments for our dogs.  You know how when you're single or married without kids you're dogs are your children...yeah we are soooo not in that place.  

Our chihuahua has had a hacking dry cough for months.  For awhile I thought it was radon poisoning from our basement, but when I googled hacking coughs in dogs today it suggested it could be kennel cough or a collapsing trachea which occurs in toy breeds.  What!  I ruled out kennel cough because our dogs don't go near other dogs and we don't kennel them.  

The trachea thing sounded serious.  Of course I am sure the vet will think I'm heartless when I refuse any sort of testing to see if that is the problem.  He's 13.  If it's his time, it's his time.  

And then there's our boxer.  She is having her teeth cleaned.  Again.  Every time our dogs are at this vets office they end leaving with fewer teeth.  Sasha is going to come home with no teeth.  She already only has like 5.  

So, Paul and I were talking about what the future of our dogs would look like when we move.  

I'll be in the kitchen, fixing Sasha up some dinner in the blender because she won't have teeth.  Someone will knock on the door and Beast will hold up his electrolarnyx to his throat so he can bark.  I'll have to plug his trach so he can get some water.  

I'm sure y'all are reading this thinking we are awful, heartless people, but when I say this image made me made me laugh.  I had tears streaming down my face and am surprised I didn't pee in the car.  Of course we were also making the electronic barking sounds.  

Roof, roof.  


  1. That is absolutely hilarious!!

  2. Please don't give up your dogs just because they are old. We all get old eventually. Plus, I have a cat that is totally toothless and eats hard food every day :)

  3. I would never give up a dog because they were old. No worries!



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