Saturday, March 16, 2013

The South

The best (and some would say the worst) part of military life is moving every 3 to 4 years.  I LOVE it!  Waiting to find out where we're headed next is like Christmas and seriously after we had been in Mass for a year we were ready to move.  Clearly we are not northerners.  I thought I might be (I am from Jersey after all), but nope.  We are southerners at heart. 

So Thursday we headed down to VA to check out our next assignment and scope out some homes.  I have to say as soon as we crossed into VA it was like my heart woke up.  I was mean in the north.  I have been snarky and judgmental (y'all I pray about it every night!).  But here I finally feel like I can take a deep breath. 

First off, people in the south are friendly!  Like super friendly.  The nurse at my ob's office has a sister who lives in GA.  She went down for the weekend and she just couldn't believe people were THAT nice.  They are. 

For example, on Wednesday in our town in MA I went to grab a to go lunch from a local restaurant.  They have a salad bar which I love and I probably go once a week.  I look like I'm about to birth a whale at any moment AND I'm pushing my 2 year old in a stroller.  A man coming into the restaurant at the same time I was leaving wouldn't/didn't hold the door for us.  Why yes, kind sir, let me and my giant belly and stroller get out of YOUR way.  And this isn't a one time occurrence either.  I am actually taken aback when people in Mass hold the door open for me because it's such a rare occurrence.   

Last night at dinner because I have to sit 4 feet away from the table to accomodate my belly a young boy about 10 years old bumped me.  It wasn't his fault, but he apologized.  And everyone HOLDS the door open even if they have to wait 5 minutes for you to get there and everyone says excuse me if they are walking past you.  Sigh.  Heart. 

Sadly, we have also been excited about the southern chain restaurants in our new town...Hardees, Chik Fi La (seriously I took Chik Fi La to work one day in MA and only 1 person in my office knew what it was), Waffle House, Bonefish, Arbeys and THE BUFFET.  People in the north do not understand the beauty of a buffet. 

We went to a buffet restaurant for lunch and it. was. GLORIOUS!  Angels sang while we ate lunch.  There is a good chance we will way 800lbs when we move again in 3 years. 

And there are black people here.  We seriously know 4 black people in MA and 3 of them are military people.  I'm not sure why the only people to live in MA are white people, Indian people, and Asian people but that seems to be the case.   

So far we are loving VA and I really don't want to go back to Boston.  Waaahhh.

Okay, off to play with my lunatic toddler who won't nap because she has all this pent up energy from driving around all morning looking at houses.  At least she is sleeping good at night.   

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