Tuesday, March 19, 2013

House Hunting with a Toddler

House hunting with a toddler has to be one of the circles of hell.  I mean it's not bad enough that I lost interest after the first 2 days of being in the car all day driving from house to house, but now I have to entertain a 2 year old and try to have an adult conversation with realtors and home builders while chasing my daughter through their model home before she can break that Home Goods ceramic vase they oh so conveniently have placed at her level. 

I will say that we are sooooo lucky that Em is such a good natured, easy going child.  Other than a few tantrums/melt downs per day she has been super good.  And I can't really blame her for the meltdowns.  She has missed her nap every single day and been forced to take a late nap in the carseat and she's been going to bed super late each night.  By the afternoon I am pretty ready to have a meltdown myself. 

Sadly she thinks the el crappola hotel we are staying at is now home.  She asks to go home every afternoon because in her words, "I go in this house. I go in this house. I go in this house.  I go in this house."  Yup, Em we keep taking you in all these super nice houses and we keep bringing you back to the el crappola every night.

To summarize our hotel the included breakfast is 2 different types of cereal or a waffle or piece of bread, there has been a cop sitting outside on our side the past 2 mornings, construction workers who come into town for the weekend to work are staying here, and thank God the people next door checked out before I had to call in my suspicions that it was a room full of children with no adult supervision due to them running up and down the hall at 10 o'clock at night. 

Luckily, we have our 80lb boxer to protect us.  She's so brave that earlier tonight when I took her outside she got spooked by a man pushing a grocery cart, 2 men sitting in a car, leaves blowing by us, the gate in front of the dumpster moving, a truck going by on the road, her reflection in the glass door, a man coming out of the hotel, and Paul & Emma.  Last night Paul & Emma took her outside and Sasha literally hid behind Emma when a man was walking by 50 feet away from them.  Our 9lb chihuahua is braver than Sasha.  However, it is sort of nice that the other very nice patrons in our hotel don't know that Sasha is more likely to piss herself if a man in a hat approaches us than she is to protect us from him. 

I'm pretty sure I haven't eaten a vegetable in 4 days unless you count the salad bar at the all you can buffet we've eaten at twice already.  I have; however, availed myself of every bathroom in every model home, rental, and house for sale we've seen.  Ahh the joys of being pregnant.  There was one powder room in a for sale we looked at that was so small I almost got stuck between the wall and the toilet. 

We also looked at a framed up new construction home today and for some reason I thought I could walk between 2 studs to go between rooms.  It sure would've been embarrassing if they would've had to cut me out like I was briefly afraid they were going to have to do when I got stuck.  Have you ever seen a cartoon where a hippo gets stuck in an inner tube?  That was pretty much what I looked like. 

We were supposed to be heading home tomorrow, but decided to stay an extra day to finalize some things.  Which isn't a bad thing since once again we are getting snow in MA.  Can I tell you how much I am over it snowing in MA?????? 

Okay, I have to lay down.  My back is killing me.  Probably because I walk around with a 25lb watermelon strapped to my front..

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