Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Return

Even though we got home from FL Saturday I think it's taken me this long to process Emma's behavior at the airport.  Holy hell on a cracker.  My mom drove us to the airport and we stopped for lunch on the way.  It started when we left the restaurant.  Em was a little fussy in the restaurant, but not terrible; however, when we left Sweet Tomatoes (I wish we had one by us) she was hysterical in the car.  And by hysterical I mean she cried to the point of throwing up.  Nothing says classy like stopping in front of the country club golf course to clean vomit off your toddler. 

Em settled down and we finally made it to the airport where I kept it classy by changing her clothes in the parking lot.  The airport has a really nice aquarium and so we let Em stop and look at it.  Big mistake because she screamed the entire way through security.  I actually saw one man roll his eyes at us and I couldn't blame him because I wanted to cry myself.  It was one of those moments where everyone around us was praying we weren't on their flight. 

After I loaded up our 6 bins worth of crap to go through the xray machine, unhooked the car seat from the transporter, dragged Emma behind me, the TSA agent tells me that they are going to have to pat me down because I have too many pouches of baby purees.  Um, what?  I know I flew down with 4, but the 7 I had now were too many.  What was I going to do?  Blow up the plane with organic quinoa, banana, and peach puree?  For the love of all that is good and holy these people knew I was traveling alone, but sure let me strap my screaming child into her car seat while you all pat me down and then make her wait longer while I open up all her milk sippies so you can test them as well which strangely the TSA agent in Boston was able to open on his own without my help. 

25 minutes later and I'm wondering if we are going to miss our flight.  The gate is pretty busy and I must have had that deer in a headlights look trying to find a place for us to sit because a man sitting on the end of a row graciously moved so we could sit down.  I had learned from our flight down so I asked the Jetblue employees at the counter to help us board the plane. 

We managed to get to our seats without killing anyone or spilling anything (Praise Jesus).  I knew Em was tired because it was nap time.  God was on our side because she fell asleep about 20 minutes into the flight and slept until we started descending.  I used the bathroom on my own, enjoyed a snack, read my book.  It was delightful.  Mama for sure needed that break!

Again, we waited until everyone deplaned and the flight attendant helped us off.  Of course the pilot had gotten off the plane for some reason and then the flight attendant put the car seat at the entrance of the plane ensuring that the poor pilot had to wait another 20 minutes while I got the car seat all hooked back up and pack muled myself up.  Sweet peanuts! 

I have never been so happy to see Paul in my whole life. 

Of course Em has not been happy about having to sleep in her crib since we've been home, but she's getting better.  I think she is getting a new tooth. 

And we found out that we're having another girl!  I'm pretty sure we've decided on a name, but want to tell family first. 

Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season! 

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