Friday, December 7, 2012

17 weeks

I haven't blogged about the pregnancy in awhile, but its because our toddler is becoming a TODDLER (I can NOT hear the word no one more time).

I'm in that weird pregnancy space where I don't feel pregnant, I don't feel the baby moving much yet, and I just look fat. Although people do seem to notice I'm pregnant perhaps because I look about what I did when I was six months along with Em. Yikes! What is 9 months going to look like???

Of course we are once again having to take a break from all extracurricular activities (cough, cough you know what I mean. If you don't, don't ask). We figured out we've spent over half our marriage being celibate (2 pregnancies and a deployment). Lawdy. At least we know our marriage isn't based on sex. Haha

I finally started Christmas shopping. I usually am done early but we had so much other stuff going on in October and November (I've been to the airport like 10 times in 5 weeks or something crazy) that it just wasn't a priority.

And hubby tells me tonight he's volunteering tomorrow as a Salvation Army bell ringer which is something I've wanted to do FOREVER! So he is going to try to sign him, me, & Em up for the 22nd. Yay!

And I've decided to forgo sending Christmas cards this year to make a donation to a charity instead. Although there's a good chance I'll put one of those annoying holiday letters on my blog. I know you'll be waiting with baited breath.

Hope everyone is calm and joyful. Remember there's no reason to be stressed! Santa is coming!

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