Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Shark Week

Have y'all been watching Shark Week?  I wait for it every year sort of like waiting for the Great Pumpkin and then when I watch it I have nightmares for weeks afterwards and won't swim in the ocean for months.  Luckily I live in Mass where you have to pay $25 to park at a "beach" which is mostly comprised of rocks.  People from Florida are beach spoiled I'll tell you what. 

Anyways, we watched the start of Shark Week the other night in the hospital and I had some observations I'd like to share. 

First off, did y'all see the first show?  I think it was called Air Jaws Two or something.  Let's talk about some things here.  Basically this team of film makers and scientists went to photograph great white sharks breaching the water during seal hunting/feeding.  They did this last year and apparently had to top the shots they got last year (which they got from putting a camera on top of a seal decoy).  Their solution was to build a tiny little inflatable raft on top of which a person lays down with a camera so they are almost at water level.  Behind this tiny inflatable raft they tow a seal decoy.   I wonder if they drew short straws or odd man out or just hey, we don't like you so we're putting you in shark's way to pick that sucker.

So, they are going along and from what I could gather this man has spent the entire day laying on this tiny inflatable raft (how did he pee?) towing the seal and waiting for a shark.  At the very end of the day the shark known as Colossus finally takes the bait so to speak and jumps out of the water. 

How pissed do you think Colossus was to realize he'd been screwed out of a tasty seal dinner?  Who do you think he's going to blame when he realizes it?  Um, how about the crazy guy on the tiny inflatable raft. 

Then I thought how are they going to top this next year?  Paul and I discussed this at length and realized the answer is obvious.  They are going to have to build a steel cage inside a seal carcass and then a man is going to have to get inside it to wait for the shark to attack so they can get the shot.  I mean what other choices do they have at this point? 

I really feel these shark people are crazy.  I'm all about saving the sharks and exploration of the seas and what not, but the only way I'd ever get in the water with sharks is if you threw my dead body off a boat. 

What's your favorite part of Shark Week?


  1. I am LOVING Shark Week! The hubby and I practically count down the days every year. We are usually on vacation at my in-laws lake house this week so we swim in the lake all day, safe from sharks :), and watch shark shows at night.

    I think they're all crazy! Although, on our honeymoon we swam with sharks and it was a blast! Seriously!

    Oh, and you need to find some better beaches in MA! There are plenty! Where are you going??

  2. I haven't been able to watch it, but man, that sounds crazy! I remember watching the show last year where they were putting great whites to "sleep" by getting into the water with them and then cupping their noses with their hands, after which the shark would go into a trance. All that I could think was, you all have a crazy death wish! Insane!

  3. My question is why is every show about someone getting attacked by a shark??? And every shark attack victim talks about how much they still love the ocean and how they still get in it. I can tell you of all the things I'd love after getting bit by a shark no where on that list would be the word ocean, nor would my list of activities include swimming in the ocean.

    Amy, we have not really gone to any beaches because whenever I ask people about ones near us they always say bring money for parking (um, not) and they are not close enough. I can't stand the thought of driving an hour to go to the beach and being there for an hour because we have a toddler or paying to park for such a short amount of time. We went to Maine a few weeks and it took forever to get there because of all the beach traffic in NH!

  4. Oh, plus the water is soooo cold! Girl, I lived near the Gulf of Mexico. The water is like 85 degrees in the summer. I am west coast FL. I wouldn't even go in the Atlantic on the east coast cause it's too cold. hahaha



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