Emma has been super into her "babies" aka dolls lately so we decided to order her a couple more off of Amazon along with the bottles that have the milk and orange that disappear. While searching for doll accessories I came across the following baby bed, high chair, and sink. It was only $15 and I thought Em would enjoy it. For some reason I expected it to come in one piece, but it wasn't. You know how plastic toys come attached to each other so you have to twist them or cut them to seperate them. That's how this came, but I thought I have my masters how hard can it be to put together. Hahahaha
It took me 30 minutes just to get all the pieces separated. The next 30 minutes I spent trying to assemble the ends of the cribs to the front and back of the crib. The directions that came with it was just pictures, no words. Beyond impossible to understand. After much swearing and sweating and failure, Emma woke up from her nap and I gave up.
We came back from running some errands and I was determined to finish this project! I could not be beat by a $15 piece of plastic! I got a different screw driver. Did I mention there were 16 screws and no screw holes, only holes in the plastic? I finally got 2 pieces screwed together and started to understand the pictogram that I was following. When I say understand I meant that I just kept looking at the picture of the assembled product on the box to see what pieces went where.
Em decided she should help me and/or play with the doll bed as I put it together. Super helpful that girl of mine. When she wasn't trying to steal the screw driver or throw screws all over the room, she actually did help by pulling the small plastic pieces apart. Probably safe and child friendly I'm sure. Mother of the year right here. At least I stopped her from stabbing our Boston terrier with the screw driver.
After much more sweating and another hour I finally felt done. It was no longer falling apart except I had 1 screw left over. 1 screw. Hmmmm...I examined the toy and 20 minutes later found the final screw hole. My arms were shaking from the effort of getting those stupid screws into the non screw holes. What did I expect for $15 is the question I should have asked myself during those whole process.

But to watch Em play with it and see how much she enjoys it, well, it was all worth it.
Congrats!! You ARE mommy of the year for winning that battle!!!