Friday, July 20, 2012

Seven Days of Falafel

Everyone knows we've been trying to have another baby and if you read my blog you know that so far we have not been successful. And if you've ever been on the unsuccessful baby making train you know it can get a little crazy tracking when you ovulate (toot, toot) and when you do the deed (woo, woo). It can be a little tiring and sort of takes the fun out everything. We already have our train tickets purchased for next week. All stop baby town!

Last month I saw a show on Lifetime about, well, let's just call it the Seven Days of Falafel. It's tracks 2 couples who are struggling in their relationship over 7 days and their goal is to make falafel every day and then see how their relationship is at the end of the 7 days. Sadly, the one episode I watched I recognized the female from another reality tv show (she was a former Playmate and not one of the Girls Next Door main characters and no, we weren't watching a Playboy movie and I think I just saw her in an ad for another reality show).

You now how when you're in a new relationship you want falafel all the time, 3 or 4 times a day even. You can't get enough falafel. All you think about is falafel. And sometimes you dress up to make falafel or you might have falafel in places that you normal wouldn't say like a park or the beach or the bathroom in a restaurant. Ahhh falafel.

And then you get married, and have kids, and suddenly falafel is not as important as, oh say, sleep. It's next to impossible to keep the house clean much less get all cleaned up to make falafel. Plus being covered in poo, vomit, urine, or other bodily fluids at any given point in time sort of puts a damper on any thoughts of falafel. Then there are the nights where you look at each other and one person says, "We should make falafel," and the other person says, "I'm tired. Let's have falafel tomorrow night." Poor falafel. So neglected cause you know that next night you're gonna be just as tired as tonight and both of you are just pretending that there's a snowballs chance in hell of having falafel tomorrow.

So, I saw this show and thought hmm...and so we decided to undergo the 7 days of falafel challenge. No matter what, no matter how tired, dirty, cranky, covered in poo or vomit we were there was going to be falafel.

I'll admit we did well. We were in it to win it. We even got a little crazy with our falafel making. I didn't get dressed up to make falafel at all but I'm about 8 sizes bigger than I was when we met so none of my falafel making costumes fit anymore (unless you like that stuffed sausage, open zipper, muffin top look).

I was proud of us for getting back in the game. There were nights where we were tired and it was like come on we have to make falafel, but we persevered.

And I got what the experiment was about. I started to look forward to falafel every night. I felt it brought us closer that week and made me feel a little bit more like my old self (you know the one that was sexy and had a better body and nice pre-breastfeeding boobies and didn't feel so exhausted all the freaking time).

Of course once the 7 days were over neither of us had any interest in falafel for a week. We were both like no more falafel, but that's what happens when you overindulge.

All in all I'm glad we tried the 7 days of falafel experiment. It was a great success and so easy to do. Maybe everyone should make an effort to indulge in some marathon falafel making periodically. You might be surprised at what you find out.

Happy falafeling!

1 comment:

  1. It was about the 6th paragraph until I figured out you weren't really talking about falafel. But now I'm going to google recipes for it. Happy falafeling! :)



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