We just got back from Buffalo. Paul had to take a week of leave so we decided about a month ago to drive up to Buffalo to surprise my bestie and then spend a couple days in Toronto. It was about an 8 hour car ride, but thanks to the magic of the DVD player and the fact that who the heck wants to drive to Buffalo from Boston it was a surprisingly easy trip. Oh, we've gotten so old with our mini van, with a cooler of lunch stuff, and a dvd player. If only we'd had the luggage rack packed then our trip to old age would've been complete.
Of course I had worked out this whole trip with Cory's hubby who, on the morning of our arrival, told their 3 year old. Word to the wise..if you ever want to keep something a secret then don't tell it to a 3 year old. Abs spilled the beans when Cory picked her up from daycare so she wasn't super surprised to see us there (and Paul thought I'd be the one to crack).
Toronto was fun. We went to Center Island and I wished I had done more research on it before we got there. I definitely recommend it, would go back, but I'd bring our bathing suits and a cooler lunch. There's also a nude beach there if you are so inclined (I totally would be all about a nude beach!). We had an amazing dinner a few blocks from our hotel. The next day we toured Casa Loma. As there is no air condition and it was humid and rainy I'd suggest seeing Casa Loma on a cooler day.
We headed back to Buffalo for the weekend. Friday we went to the Anchor Bar for lunch. Home of the original chicken wing and yet so many restaurants have done them better. Paul wanted to check it off his bucket list though so off we went. No reason to ever go back. lol
Saturday (the part of the story y'all have been waiting for if you know me personally) was camping. Neither Paul or I had ever been camping before. Sure there was one drunken night sleeping in a tent on an island in college, but that hardly counts. We borrowed a tent from Brian and Cory's friends who also were camping with us. They were like professional campers. Paul and I were like National Lampoons. Where was my glamping cabin, my shower, my flat screen tv, my fridge? We stared at the cabins across the way longingly.
Now before you imagine us hiking into the wilderness and setting up camp I'll just let you know that we had the kiddos with us. And I'm afraid of the wilderness. (Crazy people live in the woods. Haven't you seen Deliverance or Wrong Turn???) We got to the privately owned park next to Brian's dad's house in the early afternoon. We set up camp aka unpacked the truck and broke out the cocktails. There is one thing I am certain of...camping should NEVER occur without cocktails. The afternoon consisted of sitting around the fire, entertaining the kids, swimming in the pool. It was pretty relaxing and a lot of fun. And of course there were hotdogs grilled over the fire and s'mores. I heart s'mores! And something I'd never had before called Texas Caviar. Oh heavenly goodness! Let me know if you want the recipe. You won't regret it!
I was worried Em would not sleep very well. It took about an hour for her to fall asleep and Paul hung out in the tent with her until she was asleep. She slept like a rock!
Paul went to bed about 10:30pm. Around 11:30pm Cory's daughter started screaming. We think she was having a night terror because they had a very hard time soothing her and getting her to calm down. Poor kid. It was awful to listen to and I felt so bad for her and them. Seeing as Cory and Brian were busy with Abs I decided to head to bed just as Paul came out to use the restroom. I sat next to the fire waiting for him and waiting and waiting. It felt like forever before he got back. It took so long I was getting worried! He wasn't wearing his glasses and missed the path to the bathroom and kept walking. lol
The bathrooms were super nice! Very long cabin-esque. They looked brand new and no scary spiders!
I thought I'd sleep well. It'd gotten cooler out and the sounds of the night and all that. hahahaha First off, we had filled up the air mattress earlier in the evening and not again so by the time I went to bed it was pretty saggy (given that the air had cooled off a lot). I had to cling to the edge to keep from rolling into Paul. He was still awake by the way.
Around 1:30am poor Abby woke up screaming again. It was awful, but at the same time we did laugh when the coyotes started howling in response. This time Cory, Abby, and Brian headed home. I then had to use the restroom and my potty partner had just left! I braved the walk to the very nice bathroom and raced back to the tent. I was afraid the coyotes were going to come looking for Abby and find me instead!
I think I finally fell asleep after 2am. No relaxing night of sleep for me. I was freezing, I was worried about Emma being cold, I was clinging to the edge of the air mattress for my life, my list of complaints went on and on. At 7am I woke to find Em still sleeping and I thought "Yes!" until someone's car alarm woke up. Emma sprang up saying "car, car." Sigh. No more sleeping for us. My eyes felt like they had sand in them.
Luckily, Brian and Cory brought back coffee and donuts and they were delicious!
I thought I'd nap Sunday or at least go to bed early, but the 4 of us stayed up talking until almost midnight. Monday we drove home and didn't hit any traffic (because, ya know, we were driving from Buffalo to Boston).
I miss my bestie already!
Wife, mother, Rodan + Fields consultant, Adjunct Professor....love my family, friends, wine, and God.
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Next time try Duff's, much better than anchor bar! And camping? Yea I can't even imagine sleeping in a tent in the woods....I'm more of a cabin with flat screen and hot tub kinda gal. Used to do that all the time in northern GA mountains.