Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Having a glass of wine and WW be darned!

Clearly day 2 of WW has gone well.  I emailed a friend who is a lifetime member of WW and looks super amazing--def a hot mom.  She said go to the meetings.  I had already signed up for 3 months of WW online and don't have a sitter for the munchkin, but am thinking I might could go to meetings this fall when we are down with my family. 

The munchkin woke up at 3:30am and again at 6:00am for boobie juice.  This doesn't really bother me as I miss her when we're sleeping.  So my day started with me throwing on a very attractive outfit at 6:30am to take the garbage out as I was too lazy to do it last night.  As I had to throw away our old, plow damaged mailbox that my husband left lying in the weeds by our garbage can I also got to contemplate what I would do if confronted by a snake or spider (I mean really is there a better home for a snake or spider than an abandoned mailbox lying on the ground).  Rest assured no animals were seen as I gingerly hailed this stupid mailbox out of the weeds while trying to touch as little of it as possible in case the aforementioned snake or spider made an appearance.  The munchkin then let me sleep for another couple hours and we were up and headed downstairs by 9am. 

The first crisis of the day was a family medical issue.  It wasn't really a crisis for me as there wasn't much I could do, but def involved coordination, etc. for other people.  Things seem to be worked out, but there were numerous phone calls between parties all day as well as stress and worry. 

The munchkin has not pooped in a week which has led to her being quite fussy all day.  We've done the thermometer trick, belly massage, bicycles, warm bath.  No poop.  My plan is that if she had not pooped tonight to call the ped in the morning.  This will be important in the rest of the story. 

I love Chili's chips, queso, and salsa.  Thanks to WW I will never be able to eat there again as I looked up online to see how many points my usual Chili's lunch was.  Let's just say the mystery of how I've gotten so fat is no longer a mystery.  If you don't follow me on twitter (Jenn_uineLife in case you are interested in my mostly random and I hope funny tweets) then you may have missed that I ate at Chili's not once, not twice, but 3 times last week. 

So, I'm trying to figure out where I can eat lunch and stay in my point range and fill out stuff for the post office as my daughter fusses.  I finally just threw her in the car seat and we headed to Friendly's.  My grilled cheese, fries, and ice tea was surprisingly not as many points as you'd think.  Plus up to this point I'd had almost no points thanks to the banana I had for breakfast.  Hallelujah she slept through lunch.  We headed home and she actually let me finish filling out the envelopes.  I nursed her and we headed to the post office.

The men that work at our post office are awesome.  I got a lollipop. 

We then headed to B&N so I could check out the new Nook.  I pre-ordered one even though I'm still not super sure about it.  I def didn't want the color one b/c I wanted to read outside, but the new one seems to have such a small reading surface.  I don't have to buy it when it gets in so we shall see. 

I gave the munchkin a bottle at B&N, got me a skinny iced latte, and took her to the restroom to change.  Munchkin is in the phase of loud noises scaring her which results in her crying.  I dropped the diaper wipes box on the tile and she started crying. 

And then she pitched a fit.  You know the kind of fit that causes other people to stare at you in horror and pity as your child stiffens their entire body and screeches like a banshee.  I felt so bad for her!   Of course it was 4:30pm and our ped was gone for the day so I called my lactation consultant.  She could hear the screaming and suggested I call the on call doctor.  The munchkin literally cried herself to sleep in the car and has been reasonably okay since then.  It's a good thing since the on call doctor never called me back!  I will be following up tomorrow as she still hasn't pooped and still a little fussy. 

So, it has been a long day and I am having a glass of wine or two (I had boobie juice in the fridge I needed to use up anyways).  Thank goodness hubby comes home tonight because I am exhausted!  I don't know how single moms do this.  God bless them!  Here's hoping tomorrow is less stressful.


  1. Ha I feel like I have lived what you just described! Glad to see I am not alone lol. We should do lunch often and help each other stay on track...I might join WW again, I'm tired of still looking pregnant 10 months later *sigh*

  2. We could have a picnic lunch at Castle Park and walk after with the girls.



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