Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 3

Let me just say I think I did fairly well on my WW today especially as compared to yesterday.  For those of you familiar with the old points system the new points plus system is different.  You get your daily points plus weekly points to use however you want.  I, of course, have been tearing up not only my daily points, but have also dipped into a significant portion of my weekly points.  Starting WW has made me much more aware of how much fat and crap is actually entering my body. 

Today though I really tried to make a more conscious effort to stay within my daily points and I think I did it!  We even went to Chili's for lunch and I turned down chips and salsa.  Did you hear me people????  I turned down chips and salsa!  I was sad to do it, but looking at my fat belly in the mirror also makes me sad. 

I even (wait for it) exercised today (cue shocked expression).  Okay, so I didn't run a marathon, but I did walk a mile pushing the baby in the stroller.  That, combined with the 900 times I go up and down the stairs carrying said baby, is 5 activity points baby!  Suh-weet! 

In baby news, little Miss Emma is 3 months old.  She is no longer a newborn and is now officially an infant.  She slept in her crib for the first time last night and I actually made it through the night and woke up in my own bed (for those of you who may have worried that I'd end up sleeping curled up on her floor).  She spent her birthday getting her belly xrayed as she hasn't pooped in 8 days and seemed slightly uncomfortable.  She did really well with the xray (I think she likes getting her naked on on the crinkly examining room paper) and with the doctor sticking her finger up her behind.  And we got the okay to start Emma on prune juice.  She, much like her 90 year old mother, sucked that prune juice down like nobodies business.  And she had a tiny little poop.  Plus she now weighs 13lbs 5oz (up from 11lbs 3oz at her 2 month well baby).  I can't believe how big she's getting and what a great personality she has!  We continue to love her like nothing else!

Here is hoping we wake up to a gigantic diaper full of poop tomorrow!  Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!  God bless our military!

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