I thought today was going to be super easy. Our housecleaner was coming, my plan was to meet Paul for lunch, and then go to the commissary for grocery shopping. Well at 10:50 as I'm nursing Emma the reminder on my phone goes to off to remind me that I have a vet appointment for Beauty and Beast IN TEN MINUTES.
Rip Emma off the boob.
Call Paul to cancel our lunch plans. :(
Call vet to let them know we are on the way.
Run upstairs to change Emma.
Shove Emma into carseat.
Run downstairs to get dogs.
Beauty goes into mudroom. Put her leach on as Beast goes back downstairs to basement.
Grab Beast's leash.
Run downstairs.
Put Beast's leash on and chase him up to first floor.
Drag Beast to mudroom.
Put dogs in car.
Run back in house to grab Emma.
Get to vet.
Put Emma in stroller.
Try not to run over dogs with stroller as we walk into vet.
Wait. (10 mins late for appt)
Emma starts crying.
Ask woman if we can go into examining room so I can finish nursing Emma.
She sighs.
Go into room and finish nursing Emma.
Wait (it's now 50 minutes after appt time).
Tech comes in.
She talks.
And talks.
And talks.
Adds up everything they want to do. Um, we will not be paying $750 today. Sorry dogs, but you aren't getting your senior bloodwork or heartworm tests.
And wait with cranky, only wants to be held, won't fall asleep baby.
Finally vet comes in.
Makes me feel like a terrible pet owner because dogs have long nails, full anal glands, I don't brush their teeth, blah blah blah.
Glare at vet as he takes his sweet time examining dogs and talking and talking.
Vet and tech leave room.
Tech comes back.
Emma cries.
Tech helps me to car with dogs.
Beauty gags herself pulling on leash resulting in her throwing up on front seat.
Head home.
Get out of car and realize the back of my pants are wet. Apparently Beauty also threw up on my seat, I didn't see it, and sat in it (didn't change my pants though).
Nurse Emma.
Head to grab a bagel and go to commissary.
Start shopping.
Get 2 cantelopes and 2 watermelon into cart before Emma starts crying.
Head to restroom to change her.
Emma screams.
Leave cart, go sit in entrance to nurse Emma.
Start shopping again.
Get halfway through produce section before Emma starts screaming again.
Try holding Emma while shopping.
Get her calm and back into carseat.
Finish shopping.
Head up front to pay.
Emma starts crying.
Pick up Emma.
Finally get groceries and Emma into car with help of bagger.
Head home.
I'm not sure who cried more today...me or Emma. Is it bedtime yet?
Wife, mother, Rodan + Fields consultant, Adjunct Professor....love my family, friends, wine, and God.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
How to Give Yourself a Black Eye Without Really Trying
Because I am a paranoid, crazy person new mother I decided to pay outragous shipping costs to get it as quickly as possible purchase a Snuza movement monitor. This tiny little device clips on baby's diaper and sends off an alarm if it doesn't detect movement, like breathing, for 20 seconds. We've had a couple false alarms, one where we didn't think it was a false alarm resulting in all kinds of medical tests, and overall I am couldn't sleep at night without it happy with my purchase.
So, Miss Em has been sleeping in her own crib for the last 2 nights.Only by the grace of God did Paul not find me curled up in a ball on the nursery rug. I think I've done very well with it. Some of the fears I've had were that I wouldn't hear her, wouldn't hear the snuza, etc.
So, last night the battery on the monitor died. For some reason I assumed it would beep to let me know the batter was getting low, but I guess not. Of course I was sleeping when this happened so I didn't know until the following events occurred. Although I do feel better knowing I can still hear her fairly well without the monitor. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop using the monitor, but I did lower the volume from ear shattering down to a more tolerable level.
I am super asleep having some very bizarre dreams when I hear the Snuza going off. I bolt out of bed and can't find my flashlight on my nightstand so I just start heading for the nursery. Apparently I wasn't quite awake because I bounced off our bedroom door frame using only my face. As impressive as that was it was more impressive that I then didn't fall down the stairs as I pinballed into the hallway.
Turn on the nursery light and Em doesn't even stir. Unzip her sleeper and the Snuza was going off because she had squirmed it off her diaper. Whew...false alarm. I turn it off and figure that since I'm up and she's stirring I might as well nurse her and check her diaper. No poop and surprisingly no pee yet (which she has more than made up for this morning by not only peeing on Paul, but also by peeing on me).
I wonder how long she would've slept if the Snuza hadn't gone off although historically she probably wouldn't have gone much past 4:30am or 5am. She then woke up again at 6:30am and then only slept until 7:30am although she was content to play with her hands in her crib until 8am.
I am pretty certain I've cracked my cheek bone and am still waiting to see if I'm going to have a black eye. lol
Our plans for today include going to look at the Dodge Caravan and looking at new grills. You'd think we would've learned last year when our new gazebo got demolished by the mild winter we had to bring our stuff inside in the winter. We did not and this winter claimed our gas grill. Paul told me there was no repairing it and I was sure when he was TDY this past week that I could get out there and shine it all up.
I could not (I hate it when he's right!).
So, Miss Em has been sleeping in her own crib for the last 2 nights.
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1st nap in the crib...notice the Snuza and the very appropriate diaper with skull & crossbones. Classy! |
So, last night the battery on the monitor died. For some reason I assumed it would beep to let me know the batter was getting low, but I guess not. Of course I was sleeping when this happened so I didn't know until the following events occurred. Although I do feel better knowing I can still hear her fairly well without the monitor. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop using the monitor, but I did lower the volume from ear shattering down to a more tolerable level.
I am super asleep having some very bizarre dreams when I hear the Snuza going off. I bolt out of bed and can't find my flashlight on my nightstand so I just start heading for the nursery. Apparently I wasn't quite awake because I bounced off our bedroom door frame using only my face. As impressive as that was it was more impressive that I then didn't fall down the stairs as I pinballed into the hallway.
Turn on the nursery light and Em doesn't even stir. Unzip her sleeper and the Snuza was going off because she had squirmed it off her diaper. Whew...false alarm. I turn it off and figure that since I'm up and she's stirring I might as well nurse her and check her diaper. No poop and surprisingly no pee yet (which she has more than made up for this morning by not only peeing on Paul, but also by peeing on me).
I wonder how long she would've slept if the Snuza hadn't gone off although historically she probably wouldn't have gone much past 4:30am or 5am. She then woke up again at 6:30am and then only slept until 7:30am although she was content to play with her hands in her crib until 8am.
I am pretty certain I've cracked my cheek bone and am still waiting to see if I'm going to have a black eye. lol
Our plans for today include going to look at the Dodge Caravan and looking at new grills. You'd think we would've learned last year when our new gazebo got demolished by the mild winter we had to bring our stuff inside in the winter. We did not and this winter claimed our gas grill. Paul told me there was no repairing it and I was sure when he was TDY this past week that I could get out there and shine it all up.
I could not (I hate it when he's right!).
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Day 3
Let me just say I think I did fairly well on my WW today especially as compared to yesterday. For those of you familiar with the old points system the new points plus system is different. You get your daily points plus weekly points to use however you want. I, of course, have been tearing up not only my daily points, but have also dipped into a significant portion of my weekly points. Starting WW has made me much more aware of how much fat and crap is actually entering my body.
Today though I really tried to make a more conscious effort to stay within my daily points and I think I did it! We even went to Chili's for lunch and I turned down chips and salsa. Did you hear me people???? I turned down chips and salsa! I was sad to do it, but looking at my fat belly in the mirror also makes me sad.
I even (wait for it) exercised today (cue shocked expression). Okay, so I didn't run a marathon, but I did walk a mile pushing the baby in the stroller. That, combined with the 900 times I go up and down the stairs carrying said baby, is 5 activity points baby! Suh-weet!
In baby news, little Miss Emma is 3 months old. She is no longer a newborn and is now officially an infant. She slept in her crib for the first time last night and I actually made it through the night and woke up in my own bed (for those of you who may have worried that I'd end up sleeping curled up on her floor). She spent her birthday getting her belly xrayed as she hasn't pooped in 8 days and seemed slightly uncomfortable. She did really well with the xray (I think she likes getting her naked on on the crinkly examining room paper) and with the doctor sticking her finger up her behind. And we got the okay to start Emma on prune juice. She, much like her 90 year old mother, sucked that prune juice down like nobodies business. And she had a tiny little poop. Plus she now weighs 13lbs 5oz (up from 11lbs 3oz at her 2 month well baby). I can't believe how big she's getting and what a great personality she has! We continue to love her like nothing else!
Here is hoping we wake up to a gigantic diaper full of poop tomorrow! Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend! God bless our military!
Today though I really tried to make a more conscious effort to stay within my daily points and I think I did it! We even went to Chili's for lunch and I turned down chips and salsa. Did you hear me people???? I turned down chips and salsa! I was sad to do it, but looking at my fat belly in the mirror also makes me sad.
I even (wait for it) exercised today (cue shocked expression). Okay, so I didn't run a marathon, but I did walk a mile pushing the baby in the stroller. That, combined with the 900 times I go up and down the stairs carrying said baby, is 5 activity points baby! Suh-weet!
In baby news, little Miss Emma is 3 months old. She is no longer a newborn and is now officially an infant. She slept in her crib for the first time last night and I actually made it through the night and woke up in my own bed (for those of you who may have worried that I'd end up sleeping curled up on her floor). She spent her birthday getting her belly xrayed as she hasn't pooped in 8 days and seemed slightly uncomfortable. She did really well with the xray (I think she likes getting her naked on on the crinkly examining room paper) and with the doctor sticking her finger up her behind. And we got the okay to start Emma on prune juice. She, much like her 90 year old mother, sucked that prune juice down like nobodies business. And she had a tiny little poop. Plus she now weighs 13lbs 5oz (up from 11lbs 3oz at her 2 month well baby). I can't believe how big she's getting and what a great personality she has! We continue to love her like nothing else!
Here is hoping we wake up to a gigantic diaper full of poop tomorrow! Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend! God bless our military!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Having a glass of wine and WW be darned!
Clearly day 2 of WW has gone well. I emailed a friend who is a lifetime member of WW and looks super amazing--def a hot mom. She said go to the meetings. I had already signed up for 3 months of WW online and don't have a sitter for the munchkin, but am thinking I might could go to meetings this fall when we are down with my family.
The munchkin woke up at 3:30am and again at 6:00am for boobie juice. This doesn't really bother me as I miss her when we're sleeping. So my day started with me throwing on a very attractive outfit at 6:30am to take the garbage out as I was too lazy to do it last night. As I had to throw away our old, plow damaged mailbox that my husband left lying in the weeds by our garbage can I also got to contemplate what I would do if confronted by a snake or spider (I mean really is there a better home for a snake or spider than an abandoned mailbox lying on the ground). Rest assured no animals were seen as I gingerly hailed this stupid mailbox out of the weeds while trying to touch as little of it as possible in case the aforementioned snake or spider made an appearance. The munchkin then let me sleep for another couple hours and we were up and headed downstairs by 9am.
The first crisis of the day was a family medical issue. It wasn't really a crisis for me as there wasn't much I could do, but def involved coordination, etc. for other people. Things seem to be worked out, but there were numerous phone calls between parties all day as well as stress and worry.
The munchkin has not pooped in a week which has led to her being quite fussy all day. We've done the thermometer trick, belly massage, bicycles, warm bath. No poop. My plan is that if she had not pooped tonight to call the ped in the morning. This will be important in the rest of the story.
I love Chili's chips, queso, and salsa. Thanks to WW I will never be able to eat there again as I looked up online to see how many points my usual Chili's lunch was. Let's just say the mystery of how I've gotten so fat is no longer a mystery. If you don't follow me on twitter (Jenn_uineLife in case you are interested in my mostly random and I hope funny tweets) then you may have missed that I ate at Chili's not once, not twice, but 3 times last week.
So, I'm trying to figure out where I can eat lunch and stay in my point range and fill out stuff for the post office as my daughter fusses. I finally just threw her in the car seat and we headed to Friendly's. My grilled cheese, fries, and ice tea was surprisingly not as many points as you'd think. Plus up to this point I'd had almost no points thanks to the banana I had for breakfast. Hallelujah she slept through lunch. We headed home and she actually let me finish filling out the envelopes. I nursed her and we headed to the post office.
The men that work at our post office are awesome. I got a lollipop.
We then headed to B&N so I could check out the new Nook. I pre-ordered one even though I'm still not super sure about it. I def didn't want the color one b/c I wanted to read outside, but the new one seems to have such a small reading surface. I don't have to buy it when it gets in so we shall see.
I gave the munchkin a bottle at B&N, got me a skinny iced latte, and took her to the restroom to change. Munchkin is in the phase of loud noises scaring her which results in her crying. I dropped the diaper wipes box on the tile and she started crying.
And then she pitched a fit. You know the kind of fit that causes other people to stare at you in horror and pity as your child stiffens their entire body and screeches like a banshee. I felt so bad for her! Of course it was 4:30pm and our ped was gone for the day so I called my lactation consultant. She could hear the screaming and suggested I call the on call doctor. The munchkin literally cried herself to sleep in the car and has been reasonably okay since then. It's a good thing since the on call doctor never called me back! I will be following up tomorrow as she still hasn't pooped and still a little fussy.
So, it has been a long day and I am having a glass of wine or two (I had boobie juice in the fridge I needed to use up anyways). Thank goodness hubby comes home tonight because I am exhausted! I don't know how single moms do this. God bless them! Here's hoping tomorrow is less stressful.
The munchkin woke up at 3:30am and again at 6:00am for boobie juice. This doesn't really bother me as I miss her when we're sleeping. So my day started with me throwing on a very attractive outfit at 6:30am to take the garbage out as I was too lazy to do it last night. As I had to throw away our old, plow damaged mailbox that my husband left lying in the weeds by our garbage can I also got to contemplate what I would do if confronted by a snake or spider (I mean really is there a better home for a snake or spider than an abandoned mailbox lying on the ground). Rest assured no animals were seen as I gingerly hailed this stupid mailbox out of the weeds while trying to touch as little of it as possible in case the aforementioned snake or spider made an appearance. The munchkin then let me sleep for another couple hours and we were up and headed downstairs by 9am.
The first crisis of the day was a family medical issue. It wasn't really a crisis for me as there wasn't much I could do, but def involved coordination, etc. for other people. Things seem to be worked out, but there were numerous phone calls between parties all day as well as stress and worry.
The munchkin has not pooped in a week which has led to her being quite fussy all day. We've done the thermometer trick, belly massage, bicycles, warm bath. No poop. My plan is that if she had not pooped tonight to call the ped in the morning. This will be important in the rest of the story.
I love Chili's chips, queso, and salsa. Thanks to WW I will never be able to eat there again as I looked up online to see how many points my usual Chili's lunch was. Let's just say the mystery of how I've gotten so fat is no longer a mystery. If you don't follow me on twitter (Jenn_uineLife in case you are interested in my mostly random and I hope funny tweets) then you may have missed that I ate at Chili's not once, not twice, but 3 times last week.
So, I'm trying to figure out where I can eat lunch and stay in my point range and fill out stuff for the post office as my daughter fusses. I finally just threw her in the car seat and we headed to Friendly's. My grilled cheese, fries, and ice tea was surprisingly not as many points as you'd think. Plus up to this point I'd had almost no points thanks to the banana I had for breakfast. Hallelujah she slept through lunch. We headed home and she actually let me finish filling out the envelopes. I nursed her and we headed to the post office.
The men that work at our post office are awesome. I got a lollipop.
We then headed to B&N so I could check out the new Nook. I pre-ordered one even though I'm still not super sure about it. I def didn't want the color one b/c I wanted to read outside, but the new one seems to have such a small reading surface. I don't have to buy it when it gets in so we shall see.
I gave the munchkin a bottle at B&N, got me a skinny iced latte, and took her to the restroom to change. Munchkin is in the phase of loud noises scaring her which results in her crying. I dropped the diaper wipes box on the tile and she started crying.
And then she pitched a fit. You know the kind of fit that causes other people to stare at you in horror and pity as your child stiffens their entire body and screeches like a banshee. I felt so bad for her! Of course it was 4:30pm and our ped was gone for the day so I called my lactation consultant. She could hear the screaming and suggested I call the on call doctor. The munchkin literally cried herself to sleep in the car and has been reasonably okay since then. It's a good thing since the on call doctor never called me back! I will be following up tomorrow as she still hasn't pooped and still a little fussy.
So, it has been a long day and I am having a glass of wine or two (I had boobie juice in the fridge I needed to use up anyways). Thank goodness hubby comes home tonight because I am exhausted! I don't know how single moms do this. God bless them! Here's hoping tomorrow is less stressful.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Weight Watchers-day 1
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
How Things Change
It is amazing how quickly things change and how your priorities in life change. In high school I was all about my friends. In college I was all about my friends, fraternity parties, and alcohol. In my 20's I was all about drama, bad relationships, my girlfriends, and going out on the weekends. When I hit 30 I realized the drama had to end and I told the universe what I was looking for and Paul came into my life.
Now there is no drama, no going out,no some wine consumption, and pure bliss.
Today the excitement in my day was my daughter pooping. I have never been so happy to see poop in my entire life.
Who woulda thought 10 years ago that my life would revolve around nursing and pooping? And I never would've guessed that I could be so very very happy.
Now there is no drama, no going out,
Today the excitement in my day was my daughter pooping. I have never been so happy to see poop in my entire life.
Who woulda thought 10 years ago that my life would revolve around nursing and pooping? And I never would've guessed that I could be so very very happy.
Monday, May 16, 2011
The "Real" Housewives
I think this is fairly obvious, but there is nothing "real" about any of the Real Housewives. Granted, I only watch the OC and NJ versions so maybe Atlanta, New York , Miami, and whatever other random city I'm missing are filled with a little more class. Although I'm not sure what it says about me that I wait with bated breath for the OC and NJ versions to come on.
What I love most about the OC is their ability to go natural and go out without make up and still look good. I mean sure I've had my breasts done 3 times until I can now use them a flotation devices and I have to buy them their own seats on airplanes AND I always wear short shorts with high heels and full on hair and make up to go to the grocery. Doesn't everyone? The OC housewives wish they looked as good as me.
Granted I did dress down the other day when I drove my hubby to the airport and wore blue college sweat pants, a sweatshirt from another college, and pink fleece lined crocs with messy hair (I was going for that sexy bedhead look) and no make up (it's hard to apply make up when you still have crusty eyes from sleeping), but that is not my norm. I like to look like a hooker on all occasions much like my RHoOC counterparts.
I'm actually from NJ. I don't broadcast that fact much because let's face it NJ does not have the best shows repping it right now (it's not enough that the rest of the world thinks Americans are fat, low class, idiots, but we have to send the douchebags from the Jersey Shore to Italy to prove it...oh lordy) and I don't have inch long finger nails; long black hair; and smoky eyes are reserved for special occasions not every day wear.
The RHoNJ are even more of a stereotype! Who dresses like a Las Vegas call girl to go to a Christening????? Apparently everyone! To that end who gets in a physical altercation at a Christening???? Okay, my friend's sister in law did just start a Theresa style brawl at Passover dinner, and yes they are from and were in NJ. It's the Jersey in them. I actually like the Manzo family. I would like them to invite me over for dinner. I was just in Wayne chillaxin with my grammy at her nursing home. Franklin Lakes is like the next town over, but did I get an invite?? Um, no. And don't think I didn't look for these people every time we stopped to eat (since I was pretty sure I wasn't going to run into them at the old folks home).
I also heard that Theresa hired someone to write her cookbook and that the writer just got all the recipes off the internet. Hmmmm...
Ahhh the drama...love it!
What I love most about the OC is their ability to go natural and go out without make up and still look good. I mean sure I've had my breasts done 3 times until I can now use them a flotation devices and I have to buy them their own seats on airplanes AND I always wear short shorts with high heels and full on hair and make up to go to the grocery. Doesn't everyone? The OC housewives wish they looked as good as me.
Granted I did dress down the other day when I drove my hubby to the airport and wore blue college sweat pants, a sweatshirt from another college, and pink fleece lined crocs with messy hair (I was going for that sexy bedhead look) and no make up (it's hard to apply make up when you still have crusty eyes from sleeping), but that is not my norm. I like to look like a hooker on all occasions much like my RHoOC counterparts.
I'm actually from NJ. I don't broadcast that fact much because let's face it NJ does not have the best shows repping it right now (it's not enough that the rest of the world thinks Americans are fat, low class, idiots, but we have to send the douchebags from the Jersey Shore to Italy to prove it...oh lordy) and I don't have inch long finger nails; long black hair; and smoky eyes are reserved for special occasions not every day wear.
The RHoNJ are even more of a stereotype! Who dresses like a Las Vegas call girl to go to a Christening????? Apparently everyone! To that end who gets in a physical altercation at a Christening???? Okay, my friend's sister in law did just start a Theresa style brawl at Passover dinner, and yes they are from and were in NJ. It's the Jersey in them. I actually like the Manzo family. I would like them to invite me over for dinner. I was just in Wayne chillaxin with my grammy at her nursing home. Franklin Lakes is like the next town over, but did I get an invite?? Um, no. And don't think I didn't look for these people every time we stopped to eat (since I was pretty sure I wasn't going to run into them at the old folks home).
I also heard that Theresa hired someone to write her cookbook and that the writer just got all the recipes off the internet. Hmmmm...
Ahhh the drama...love it!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I HATE Walmart. Yeah, I said it. I'd rather shave off my eyebrows and no other part of my body for the rest of my life than shop at Walmart. I'm a Target girl. I LOVE Target. At the end of my pregnancy and during our daughter's first month we went to Target twice a week I think. Love it, love it, love it.
So today my mom, who is in town visiting, wants to go to Walmart. Sigh. We saddle up and head over to our local Walmart (currently in the process of being changed over to a super Walmart which does not make for a better shopping experience). I decide to get 4 pots to do some container gardening and 4 lavender plants.
I'm headed to the check outs and my mom says, "Let's do self checkout." It's Walmart...how hard can it be. Famous last words. Note to self: NEVER listen to mom again.
I scan the first pot. The stupid pot is too big to fit on the thing with the bags. The machine does not like this so I'm trying to figure out a way to shove the stupid pot onto the stupid scale so it registers and hold it there while scanning the next item and watching my daughter to make sure no one kidnaps her. Don't see the button that says I can choose NOT to bag my items. Finally see it and it still takes me 15 minutes to scan these stupid pots.
Now on to plants. Scan the first plant. Put it on the scale. Machine is still beeping because I had previously hit the button saying I wasn't bagging anything. Grrrrrr! Can't get the second plant to scan. Try typing in the number. No product with that number.
Mom starts laughing. Says to just scan another plant. Try to scan the next plant. Won't scan. Dirt falls out of top of plant. Scan, scan, SCAN you stupid plant! Finally scans.
Pick up the next plant and it falls apart! They are in those biodegradable things where you just plant the whole container and it only has a little bit of plastic wrap on top and the entire bottom of the container fell away from the plastic ON TO THE CONVEYOR BELT! Now my mom is laughing hysterically. Hysterically.
Thank you Walmart for the blow to my self esteem. I finally pay as my mom screams "We need to shut down this machine. There's dirt everywhere. Hey miss we need help. This machine needs to be shut down." The line that is now 50 deep behind us is glaring atus me as I've been trying to scan these 8 items for 30 minutes.
I tell my mom I'm going to wash my hands and as I push our daughter towards the rest room I hear the Walmart lady saying something about cleaning off the conveyor belt. WHAT??? If your stupid machine worked correctly I wouldn't have had to try and scan the biodegradable pot 25 separate times and it wouldn't have broken all over the belt.
Um, did I mention I HATE Walmart??????
So today my mom, who is in town visiting, wants to go to Walmart. Sigh. We saddle up and head over to our local Walmart (currently in the process of being changed over to a super Walmart which does not make for a better shopping experience). I decide to get 4 pots to do some container gardening and 4 lavender plants.
I'm headed to the check outs and my mom says, "Let's do self checkout." It's Walmart...how hard can it be. Famous last words. Note to self: NEVER listen to mom again.
I scan the first pot. The stupid pot is too big to fit on the thing with the bags. The machine does not like this so I'm trying to figure out a way to shove the stupid pot onto the stupid scale so it registers and hold it there while scanning the next item and watching my daughter to make sure no one kidnaps her. Don't see the button that says I can choose NOT to bag my items. Finally see it and it still takes me 15 minutes to scan these stupid pots.
Now on to plants. Scan the first plant. Put it on the scale. Machine is still beeping because I had previously hit the button saying I wasn't bagging anything. Grrrrrr! Can't get the second plant to scan. Try typing in the number. No product with that number.
Mom starts laughing. Says to just scan another plant. Try to scan the next plant. Won't scan. Dirt falls out of top of plant. Scan, scan, SCAN you stupid plant! Finally scans.
Pick up the next plant and it falls apart! They are in those biodegradable things where you just plant the whole container and it only has a little bit of plastic wrap on top and the entire bottom of the container fell away from the plastic ON TO THE CONVEYOR BELT! Now my mom is laughing hysterically. Hysterically.
Thank you Walmart for the blow to my self esteem. I finally pay as my mom screams "We need to shut down this machine. There's dirt everywhere. Hey miss we need help. This machine needs to be shut down." The line that is now 50 deep behind us is glaring at
I tell my mom I'm going to wash my hands and as I push our daughter towards the rest room I hear the Walmart lady saying something about cleaning off the conveyor belt. WHAT??? If your stupid machine worked correctly I wouldn't have had to try and scan the biodegradable pot 25 separate times and it wouldn't have broken all over the belt.
Um, did I mention I HATE Walmart??????
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I Wish
"Once our eyes are opened, we can’t pretend that we don’t know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know and holds us responsible to act.” -Proverbs 24:12
I wish I could help. I wish I could do more. What can I do? I'm just one person.
How many times have you heard these words? How many times have you uttered these words? If you are like me then these words have crossed your lips too many times to count.
I never was the person who felt their biological clock ticking. Even when I was pregnant I was unsure. Having been with Emma now for 10 weeks this Saturday I can not imagine my life without her. She has brought such joy to us that despite all the time and money and effort I've spent on school and obtaining professional licenses I really just want to be a mom now. I want a house full of children to give kisses to and hugs to and snuggles with and love and to watch them grow and learn. I sit here watching Emma sleeping next to me and I don't know how the love I feel for her is even contained inside me. My heart fulls close to exploding it's so full of love.
Every day that I mother Emma I feel the call from God to adopt getting stronger and stronger. Every day I read another blog on adoption and I so badly want to help (147 million orphans). I am not sure if I am going to be able to wait 7 years until Paul retires to start our adoption journey. I pray that God leads Paul to be ready to adopt before then. I did agree that we'd have one more of our own biological children before we adopt so in 2012 McArtor baby #2 will hopefully be making a much less exciting arrival (no we are not trying now...my ob said to wait, wait, wait and I agree).
But back to Proverbs 24:12. Did I mention there are 147 million orphans in the world and as much as I'd like to adopt them all I know that's unrealistic so what can I do to help be a positive person in the world before then? I am pursuing more and more writing opportunities in hopes of sharing some positive messages in the world. Maybe something I write will lead someone else to make their own positive changes in the world (adoption anyone?). What can I physically do? Although my life in 2011 will be in flux I am going to find some way to volunteer. I am not sure where yet, but there has to be something I can do (my mom collects old sheets, blankets, and towels from hotels and takes them to animal shelters. Maybe something that simple). I also want to get credentialed with Tricare (our health insurance) to provide email and telephone counseling to military. I have no idea how one goes about getting credentialed (feel free to tell me), but I hope to figure it out.
So, what can you do to help? If nothing else, lead people to my blog. Follow me on google and share posts that touch you with others (is this conceited of me? I worry about sounding conceited by thinking anyone would want to read what I have to say). Follow me on twitter (Jenn_uineLife), but don't expect too much there yet because I am still figuring it all out. Read my articles on All Things Diva and comment. Let me know if there is any thing you'd like to read about. I want to grow and expand as a writer and would love suggestions.
Thanks for letting me ramble on about my need to do something. I hope you feel moved to do something, too.
I wish I could help. I wish I could do more. What can I do? I'm just one person.
How many times have you heard these words? How many times have you uttered these words? If you are like me then these words have crossed your lips too many times to count.
I never was the person who felt their biological clock ticking. Even when I was pregnant I was unsure. Having been with Emma now for 10 weeks this Saturday I can not imagine my life without her. She has brought such joy to us that despite all the time and money and effort I've spent on school and obtaining professional licenses I really just want to be a mom now. I want a house full of children to give kisses to and hugs to and snuggles with and love and to watch them grow and learn. I sit here watching Emma sleeping next to me and I don't know how the love I feel for her is even contained inside me. My heart fulls close to exploding it's so full of love.
Every day that I mother Emma I feel the call from God to adopt getting stronger and stronger. Every day I read another blog on adoption and I so badly want to help (147 million orphans). I am not sure if I am going to be able to wait 7 years until Paul retires to start our adoption journey. I pray that God leads Paul to be ready to adopt before then. I did agree that we'd have one more of our own biological children before we adopt so in 2012 McArtor baby #2 will hopefully be making a much less exciting arrival (no we are not trying now...my ob said to wait, wait, wait and I agree).
But back to Proverbs 24:12. Did I mention there are 147 million orphans in the world and as much as I'd like to adopt them all I know that's unrealistic so what can I do to help be a positive person in the world before then? I am pursuing more and more writing opportunities in hopes of sharing some positive messages in the world. Maybe something I write will lead someone else to make their own positive changes in the world (adoption anyone?). What can I physically do? Although my life in 2011 will be in flux I am going to find some way to volunteer. I am not sure where yet, but there has to be something I can do (my mom collects old sheets, blankets, and towels from hotels and takes them to animal shelters. Maybe something that simple). I also want to get credentialed with Tricare (our health insurance) to provide email and telephone counseling to military. I have no idea how one goes about getting credentialed (feel free to tell me), but I hope to figure it out.
So, what can you do to help? If nothing else, lead people to my blog. Follow me on google and share posts that touch you with others (is this conceited of me? I worry about sounding conceited by thinking anyone would want to read what I have to say). Follow me on twitter (Jenn_uineLife), but don't expect too much there yet because I am still figuring it all out. Read my articles on All Things Diva and comment. Let me know if there is any thing you'd like to read about. I want to grow and expand as a writer and would love suggestions.
Thanks for letting me ramble on about my need to do something. I hope you feel moved to do something, too.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I've been feeling grateful the past week. More so than usual. I think it's because we flew with Emma down to FL so she could meet her grandparents for the first time and then drove up to south Georgia for our friend's Emily and Clay's son's first birthday as well as for Paul to commission some of his former cadets into the Air Force.
Emma did so great on the plane! I thought for sure she would have a melt down as she woke up at 2am and her nursing schedule was so off due to driving to the airport and then trying to get her to wait until we were on the plane to nurse...the plane which didn't even start to board for over 30 minutes past the time we were supposed to take off. She was a champ though! Certainly the star of our gate area as she's so adorable and everyone wants to talk to her. She fell asleep before take off and slept right through till the plane landed.
We surprised my mom Saturday night by stopping by her house. She didn't expect to see us until Sunday, but I'm so glad we went over. She cried when she met Emma and it totally touched my heart. I don't think my mom has had a lot of joy in her life the last few years, but Emma has certainly changed that! I hope Emma has the type of bond with her Grandma Grant that I had with my Grandma Grant. Some of the best memories that I have of my childhood are of spending time with my grandma.
My dad and his lady friend also enjoyed spending time with Emma. They even babysat so Paul and I could go out to dinner. We met our friend Melissa and her new hubby at Ichiban. Paul and I went there on our first date and the night before our wedding so it was fitting that we went there for one of our first and last date nights before he deploys. Plus their sushi is the best! So good...as was the glass of wine I enjoyed at dinner. hehe Of course Emma was fussy a little bit, but I think overall she did good.
We spent time with Paul's family, too. They spoiled him by cooking two of his favorite meals which I am now going to have to learn to make. Plus we got to meet our new nephew, Casey. He's almost 6 months old and looks like a toddler compared to Emma. The cutest was when they were laying on the floor next to each other holding hands. Emma's cousin Montana loved her and was such a good babysitter while we were eating dinner.
Our trip to south GA has just reinforced what an amazing group of friends we made here. Brittney and Corey let us stay in their house. They had a cookout for us the night we got here and then were out of town the rest of the week. Their house is beautiful and so much more comfortable than a hotel. They even let us use their laptop (which is what I'm typing on right now)! You can't ask for better friends than that! Our friend's Beth Anne and John and Erika and Patrick and their amazing kids also came over as well as Emily, Clay, and Gavin. Jackson was quite stylish in his red cowboy hat. I spent today wishing we were still living in GA. I just am a southern girl at heart and love being here.
We also went to the zoo with Emily, Clay, and their baby Gavin. Gavin is just turning 1 and is a solid little boy. He is Emma's future husband. Emily and I drove up in 1 car with the kids and then after the zoo, when the kids were good and cranky, made the boys drive them home. Apparently Emma and Gavin had quite the screaming match at the end of the trip. haha We ended the night by getting take out from Buffalo Wild Wings and drinking up Brittney & Corey's beer. Gosh, I miss wings!
Today is Gavin's 1st birthday party and then we head back over to Jacksonville to fly home tomorrow. I took a ton of pics and will post them in a later blog. I better go as Emma is laying next to me and playing with the power cord for the laptop, which is plugged in to the laptop.
God certainly blessed us with a beautiful day for a party at the park!
Emma did so great on the plane! I thought for sure she would have a melt down as she woke up at 2am and her nursing schedule was so off due to driving to the airport and then trying to get her to wait until we were on the plane to nurse...the plane which didn't even start to board for over 30 minutes past the time we were supposed to take off. She was a champ though! Certainly the star of our gate area as she's so adorable and everyone wants to talk to her. She fell asleep before take off and slept right through till the plane landed.
We surprised my mom Saturday night by stopping by her house. She didn't expect to see us until Sunday, but I'm so glad we went over. She cried when she met Emma and it totally touched my heart. I don't think my mom has had a lot of joy in her life the last few years, but Emma has certainly changed that! I hope Emma has the type of bond with her Grandma Grant that I had with my Grandma Grant. Some of the best memories that I have of my childhood are of spending time with my grandma.
My dad and his lady friend also enjoyed spending time with Emma. They even babysat so Paul and I could go out to dinner. We met our friend Melissa and her new hubby at Ichiban. Paul and I went there on our first date and the night before our wedding so it was fitting that we went there for one of our first and last date nights before he deploys. Plus their sushi is the best! So good...as was the glass of wine I enjoyed at dinner. hehe Of course Emma was fussy a little bit, but I think overall she did good.
We spent time with Paul's family, too. They spoiled him by cooking two of his favorite meals which I am now going to have to learn to make. Plus we got to meet our new nephew, Casey. He's almost 6 months old and looks like a toddler compared to Emma. The cutest was when they were laying on the floor next to each other holding hands. Emma's cousin Montana loved her and was such a good babysitter while we were eating dinner.
Our trip to south GA has just reinforced what an amazing group of friends we made here. Brittney and Corey let us stay in their house. They had a cookout for us the night we got here and then were out of town the rest of the week. Their house is beautiful and so much more comfortable than a hotel. They even let us use their laptop (which is what I'm typing on right now)! You can't ask for better friends than that! Our friend's Beth Anne and John and Erika and Patrick and their amazing kids also came over as well as Emily, Clay, and Gavin. Jackson was quite stylish in his red cowboy hat. I spent today wishing we were still living in GA. I just am a southern girl at heart and love being here.
We also went to the zoo with Emily, Clay, and their baby Gavin. Gavin is just turning 1 and is a solid little boy. He is Emma's future husband. Emily and I drove up in 1 car with the kids and then after the zoo, when the kids were good and cranky, made the boys drive them home. Apparently Emma and Gavin had quite the screaming match at the end of the trip. haha We ended the night by getting take out from Buffalo Wild Wings and drinking up Brittney & Corey's beer. Gosh, I miss wings!
Today is Gavin's 1st birthday party and then we head back over to Jacksonville to fly home tomorrow. I took a ton of pics and will post them in a later blog. I better go as Emma is laying next to me and playing with the power cord for the laptop, which is plugged in to the laptop.
God certainly blessed us with a beautiful day for a party at the park!
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