Monday, June 7, 2010

It's a nice day for a trashy wedding

Friday night started with happy hour (well, in most other states it'd be happy hour with drink specials like 2 for 1, MA apparently feels its residents are not smart enough to handle the 2 for 1 drinks and thus happy hour as we know it is illegal here--WTF!!!!) followed by dinner with Jessica and Matt at the Tewksbury Country Club. Now before you go thinking we done won the lottery or something, what with our fancy dining at the country club (imagine I'm saying this with a southern accent--funny, right????) it's a public club and actually really reasonable in terms of price.

It's so reasonable in price that we saw what may have been THE trashiest wedding ever. The bride...beautiful so we had high expectations. Her bridal party and friends....oh my. Stacy and Clinton would have had a FIELD DAY at this reception.

We saw 2 bridesmaids sharing a cigarette as they waited to have their pictures taken. A guest wearing jeans (if you go to a wedding reception at a country club then don't wear jeans). And the icing on the cake...Snookie from Jersey Shore was there! Okay, not the real Snookie but a Snookie wannabe. Picture the black hair, the obscenely disgusting tan (remember Dayglo?), a strapless, black mini dress WITH HER TAN BRA HANGING OUT INCLUDING THE STRAPS OVER HER SHOULDERS. It was even better when she saw someone she knew eating dinner by us, screamed the girl's name, and ran over to hug her. Yeah, someone caught an STD for sure that night...thanks Snooks! And everyone smoked! It was like eating dinner next to a tobacco farm.

But my 10,000 calorie with 85 fat grams lobster mac & cheese was delicious and, I like to believe, worth the 5lbs I gained from dinner. I really have no reason for wondering why I'm such a fatty. I'd be embarrassed to keep a food diary.

In other news....I'd really like to be a Housewife of NJ. I'm pretty sure they have overtaken the OC as my fave housewives. Except Danielle. I think she's a wackjob as evidenced by the comment I left on her blog (I'm such a loser, I know, you don't even have to say it).

It's almost time to go to bed. I had a stressful day of tv watching yesterday and didn't sleep very well last night.

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