Friday, June 5, 2009

The move to Boston

I thought I'd be able to blog while moving, but our stay in crappy Motel 6 without Internet and our marathon day 2 drive followed by a week of no home Internet prevented me so here goes...

Day 1: Paul made me wake up at the ungodly hour of 5am. The only people who should be awake at 5am are college kids still up from the night before, farmers, and people who make donuts. It just isn't right. There is nothing good about 5am. After I stumble off the bed I have to catch the cats to sedate them for the car ride. I cannot listen to 12 hours of cats crying without driving us off a bridge and Simba tends to have a nervous bladder/sphincter so the vet took me pity on me and supplied me with a limited quantity of cat tranquilizer (I say limited quantity because apparently people take this recreational...come on people, it's not like it was Special K). (FYI..can hear a dog throwing up...that's always pleasant)

Load up the cars with dogs and cats. Now the hard part. Saying goodbye to mom. Lordy how I cried! I did go though. I stopped crying before we hit the interstate (when I moved to GA I cried all the way to Plant City). Paul, Sasha, Jojo in his trucks while I'm in my car with Beast, Beauty, Simba, and Sherman. We roll out at 6am.

6:30am--Simba escapes from the cat confinement unit I had constructed in the rear of my SUV. Keep in mind Simba is also sedated and moving like a drunken sailor.

6:45am--a struggle ensues in which I fight to keep the drunken sailor off my lap. Luckily his sedation enables me to toss him wherever I can by the dog harness I put on both cats and he falls asleep in mid-air. A narcoleptic cat is a funny thing.

7am--Paul gets a flat tire. I am ahead of him so have to find an exit, wait in traffic, turn around, go back to the southern exit, turn back around, and eventually park behind him.

7:45am--Buttcrack Billy from AAA shows up to change the tire. While waiting I meet a very nice young couple who hit the same thing Paul did in the road and are now parked behind me with a flat tire. I let the girl use my cell phone as she didn't have one. I figured I could catch her if she took off with it plus where the hell is she going to go. Apparently her and her husband have been living apart due to unemployment issues and now are both going to be living in the same place and she just started a new job.

8am--have to go to a gas station because Paul's spare tire is almost a flat tire.

8:30am--after filling up tire and getting McDonald's we are finally back on the road.

My day is spent fending off the drunken sailor and eventually giving up on confining him as he seems content to lay behind me in awkward positions.

7pm--Stop for the night in Fayettville, NC at Motel 6. Have to smuggle our menagerie into the hotel room. Fun times for all. Meet the slightly odd man staying next to us who has a golden retriever.

Day 2:

6am--up and at'em! Get cats sedated (have learned that will need to re-sedate around lunchtime as pills wear off), get all animals loaded and hit the road at 7am.

Have a fairly uneventful day driving, but hit the end of NJ around 6pm and realize we are only about 4 hours from our new home. Decide to just go for it and drive the rest of the way.

6:30pm--leave the travel plaza and head over the GWB in rush hour. I am exhilarated by the traffic. Beast also enjoys the city smells (I have the windows down). Beauty shakes like a leaf the entire time (to be fair I had the windows, it was a little cold in the car, and she has no fur).

Finally arrive at our new home around 11pm. It is freezing cold! It is almost June! WTF!!!

Our furniture wasn't arriving until Monday so we camped out in our house for 6 days or so. The air mattress lost its allure by night 3. As did eating out.

Our neighbors brought us a plant...he's retired Army and she is an agent with Homeland Security who drinks beer and cusses like no one's business. My love is sealed when she uses the word douchebag.

The next day their dog will not shut up. I have since gone over and asked them not to leave their dog out all day because his constant barking is going to result in something bad happening.

I weighed myself today (after my free donut from Dunkin Donuts) and that week of eating out for everyday has not ended well. I promptly signed up for weight watchers because I should not look like I'm 5 months pregnant. Feel better when my friend tells me that she weighs 6 lbs. more than me and also 10 lbs. more than she did while giving birth to her son. I'm not that bad off yet. However, when I fell going UP the stairs my extra pounds probably contributed to that act of clumsiness. I am covered in black and blue marks and am happy I didn't break anything (although I do have health insurance now). I thought I may have given myself a black eye which won't look good at my job interviews next week.

Am starving despite eating what Weight Watchers calls "filling" foods. Those bastards lie! And now I only have 8 points left for the day. Which since I want a glass, or two, of wine with dinner leaves me with only 4 to 6 food points to play with.

Oh well. At least I finally showered. It's really hard to be motivated to get dressed much less shower when your day consists of getting coffee at Dunkin Donuts in the morning (you don't even have to change out of your jammies when going through the drive-thru) and unpacking all day. Since it's Friday I'm even gonna put on make up and perfume....Paul is one lucky guy I'll tell you what.

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