Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Massachusetts on my Mind

I sit here in the office (and by office I mean at my house, not at an actual office), looking for a job (I think I've sent out 25 resumes at this point), and listening to the dog whine. The dog is whining because of the groundhog. When faced with unexpected wildlife in your yard one may think that having an 80 lb. boxer with you would be a good thing. If the boxer was not the stupidest animal on the planet it may be. However, when the groundhog charges you there is little to be done to keep the boxer from charging the groundhog especially when the groundhog has backup in the form of another groundhog. A deadly game of chicken then ensues with you, the helpless human, being dragged behind the boxer, hoping not to be knocked to the ground, trying to avoid the dog poo that abounds (sort of like mushrooms after a good rain). Luckily the groundhog caved first and I was able to then drag the boxer behind me back to the house.

In Florida all we had to content with were alligators. Groundhog, alligator...you may think that there's no comparison. In Florida you grow up knowing to avoid the alligators. It's one of those lessons your parents teach you when you are young like look both ways before you cross the road, brush your teeth before bed, and don't play near the alligators. They are like bees. If you don't bother them then they won't bother you. Imagine my surprise when trying to get a closer look at the groundhog when it turned around and ran towards us. My futile attempts at running away were impeded by the 80 lb. dog attached to me by leash. Live and learn my friends.

Speaking of alligators and a fascination with animals. My father has an alligator in the lake behind his house. He often goes out and feeds the ducks old bread. Imagine his surprise when he throws down some bread and an alligator comes out of the water and eats it. I believe feeding alligators may also be a felony in Florida. Luckily the alligator was more concerned with eating the bread than eating my father and no one was around to report him...or save him if the alligator had had other intentions. I'm pretty sure my 60+ year old dad could NOT outrun an alligator.

So, here I sit...unemployed, friendless, broke, and running out of reasons to get out of my jammies everyday. The packing is slowly winding down and is almost done and I am starting to wonder what the heck I'll do with myself all day when I don't have unpacking to do. I am also wondering why I can't find certain things like a giant basket that I kept in the living room that held blankets and the blankets. I mean there are only so many boxes large enough to hold such a thing. This afternoon I may venture down into the basement to see what boxes I can find that are supposed to be in the house. The basement scares me only in that I'm terrified I'll hear footsteps upstairs while I'm downstairs. As this is the oldest home I've ever lived in I am afraid that it is haunted.

The sound of the construction trucks across the street fill my senses with their noise and shake the entire house. The fact that the bed sometimes shakes when they begin work in the morning (usually at such an hour that I'm still in bed) only confirms my fear of the house being haunted.

I am not sure how I feel about Mass at this point. I've enjoyed the weather...some days. Wearing a sweatshirt and jeans in June is a little ridiculous to me, but people keep reassuring me that hot days are to come. We found a very good ice cream place (Mac's Dairy Farm) and have eaten at some excellent restaurants. I know there is a ton more fun things to see and do and if it would ever stop raining perhaps we could do them.

So, I forge ahead. Sending out my resumes, unpacking boxes, catching up on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, and sleeping 9+ hours a night. I guess overall I cannot complain. A job will come. I have faith.

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