Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Flat belly diet...Day 1

So, Flat Belly Diet...hmmm...let's just be glad I only have 3 more days on the anti-bloat portion. I do have some fears and trepidation about this diet though. My biggest fear...that I will have spent these 4 days and my weekly grocery money on all this healthy food and that I will not lose any weight nor will my belly be any smaller. One time when I was in the hospital for a stomach issue (origin still unknown, but continued much love to Karin for cleaning out my garbage can and driving me to the doctor and then to the hospital). The nurse came in to feel my stomach and she asked if I was always that bloated. I looked at her and said, "Let's be honest here...Yes, I am always this fat." She said she was trying to be nice. As much as I appreciated her attempts at not acknowledging my plump midsection...yeah...

Actually you do get to eat quite a bit on the flat belly diet. Almost too much in fact. I could not eat the entire portions of each meal. Of course when I finish these 4 days I will never want to eat another deli turkey slice again...4 oz. of turkey is MUCH more than I thought it was. I expected it to be like 4 slices, but when I weighed it on my LA Weight Loss food scale (from the LA Weight Loss diet that I paid umpteen good dollars for and then ditched) it was like 20 slices. Plus they want you to eat a pint of cherry tomatos. That is an entire package of cherry tomatos...who can possibly eat that many tomatos in one sitting? The last time I had a pint of anything it was Bacardo Limon and I threw up for an entire day afterwards.

On day 1 I weigh 177.6 lbs. I gained 2 lbs. in Boston (which should tell you how much delicious foods I ate while we were there since we did walk several days while we were up there). I can remember in high school thinking I was fat and weighing 135 lbs. If I had known then how much I would weigh now I NEVER would've complained then about being fat. I also like to think I would've eaten less, drank less alcohol, and worked out more.

I did go to the gym again today and ran my mile. It was slightly harder today as my legs seemed a little sore from yesterday plus the weather changed which always jacks up my allergies. Hence, my current headache I'm sure.

I did cheat a little today. The sassy water they want you to make and drink kind of makes me gag a little so I probably will NOT be drinking the 2 liters of that they want you to consume a day. I also had 6 gummy bears, hot tea with honey, an extra string cheese, and a spoonful of peanut butter. Since the days are based on 1200 calories for the first 4 days I am thinking I didn't do too much damage given my mile run and weights at the gym.

We shall see how day 2 goes...

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