Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 2

I just finished my T25 cardio since I am supposed to work out so I can maintain my girlish figure and make my husband happy.  I figured it was time to hook up with Arlene.

Today's lesson in the art of a happy husband actually wasn't too bad.  Even though she phrased it as the wife's job is to praise the husband and give him positive reinforcement 24/7 so that they can live in an environment where they can feel successful (um hey Arlene what about my recognition and praise?  Where's the responsibility of the husband in that?  I'm lucky because my hubby actually does praise me and I think we have done the work to make sure we aren't taking each other for gratitude even if we are just thanking each other for cooking dinner or cleaning out the dishwasher). 

I took this chapter to be more about letting hubby parent in his style.  This is something I was warned about before hubby deployed a couple years ago...that it would be hard for him to be gone so long and then hard for me to give up the reigns and control and parenting when he returned.  And it was!  I had to bite my tongue a lot and let hubby parent in his own way because his way and my way aren't always the same and that's okay. 

So, my fear in doing T25 is that I will be the person who doesn't lose an inch or pound.  I know I have to make a lot some dietary changes.  Instead of going balls to the wall and failing, I am going to try to add in more healthy options.  I passed up a pumpkin scone at Starbucks today even though I was hungry and came home and ate a salad for lunch and then I had a plum for a snack this afternoon.  I've cut way down on the amount of sugar I use in my coffee and I found a yogurt I really like that I think will satisfy me if I need something sweet.  I am trying to love myself and all extra 60lbs of me and stop being so hard on myself for being overweight.  And I'm enjoying success as a Thirty-One consultant! Check out and let me know if you want to order or host a virtual party!

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