Friday, August 23, 2013

Toddler School

We took the toddler to her new school today to meet her teacher.  And by school I mean we are paying a crap ton of money for her to attend a toddler program for a total of 10.5 hours a week.  Granted the toddler is super excited, but I may be more excited.  I may or may not have been counting down the days to the start of school since I enrolled her minus the days I had total anxiety about her going to school and being out of my sight and what if there's a crazy shooter or an earthquake know...crazy mom shit.  Thank God for zoloft is all I have to say.  Oh and wine.  Thank God for wine. 

Anyways, I'm not gonna lie.  I think the thing I am absolutely most excited about is that they are going to potty train her.  They don't know they are going to potty train her, but I am going to lie and say we are potty training her and then let them do their school magic.  All of my friends who send their kids to daycare swear that it works.  Those bitches better not be lying. 

Of course I have no doubt that the husband will have to bodily remove me from the premises the first week we drop her off and the school may end up calling the police on the mini van that's been sitting in their parking lot all morning.  And there may be crying.  Not on the toddler's part because she was ready for us to leave her today within 30 seconds of us walking into her classroom. 

I'll let y'all know how we do. 

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