The flies in the house are driving me crazy and to top it off we are apparently hosting a family of fruit flies as well. I tried leaving a cup of red wine mixed with a little sugar out. Nothing. I tried carniverous plants. Little bastards must not be hungry. Finally the hubby went to Lowe's a couple days ago so I asked him to get some fly paper and a fruit fly trap. He dutifully did and I set both up before bed with the excitement of Christmas Eve, just knowing that I would come downstairs in the morning to find that a massive fly genocide had occurred.
The next day I come downstairs and there is not 1 stinking fly on the stupid fly paper and the fruit flies are hanging out on top of the fruit fly trap like they are at Beaches Family Resort soaking up the sun and drinking mai tais. Are you freaking kidding me? Where was my fly genocide????
And to make matters worse I ended up killing 2 flies and 2 fruit flies with my bare hands!
While the fruit flies are still on their family vacation, the fly paper did manage to snag 1 fly and 3 fruit flies whereas this morning I killed an additional 2 flies with my hands.
You can just call me Fists of Fury!
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