Monday, August 22, 2011

My Mt. Fuji

Our friends Chelsea & George recently climbed Mt. Fuji in Japan.  Now considering I couldn't even make it to the top of the Bunker Hill Memorial I know without a doubt that I could not make it to the top of Mt. Fuji.  Could not, would not, don't want to.  Nothing about spending 7 hours climbing through the night, sucking on a can of oxygen, to see the sunrise followed by altitude sickness sounds fun to me.  God bless the people that do it though cause that sh*t sounds hard. 

That being said Em and I have been walking around Horn Pond.  It's a pretty good size lake near us that is surrounded by paths and trails.  There are tons of people there all the time so I feel pretty safe (although one day I wandered down a path alone and then was a nervous nelly walking back after it dead ended because I have watched too many Criminal Minds episodes).  Saturday I met a man there..he has 5 great grandchildren ranging in age from 7 months to 15 years (4 girls and 1 boy), is a retired police officer and prosecutor, AND goes to the gym 3 days a week and walks 3 days a week.  All I could think was "Gosh, I suck."  My eating is out of control and walking for an hour a day is really only stopping me from getting any heavier versus actually losing any weight.  I have not only fallen off the Weight Watchers wagon, but the wagon was struck by an ice cream truck and destroyed.  I am addicted to sugar as evidenced by my cavity.

Sunday my friend Danielle came with us and I wanted to look for an old reservoir that is there.  We found a trail heading straight up the side of a hill so off we went.  Five minutes into our hike and I am gasping for air.  I wished I had one of those cans of oxygen.  I wasn't aware that Emma weighs 80 lbs.  Up, up, up we go and I fall farther and farther behind Danielle.  Mostly I am hoping she will say we can turn around although I should've known that Danielle is much more athletic than me and that was not likely to happen.  At one point she went ahead and yelled back that it flattened out around the bend.  Um, BIG FAT LIAR.  It was flat for about 8 steps and then it was back up hill. 

On our journey up we passed a man who was RUNNING down.  He stopped and offered to push the stroller up because it was really steep.  Oh all that is holy, I was so tempted to take him up on his offer, but I reached deep into my heaving gut and manned up (remember I walked 60 miles in 3 days without training). 

Finally we made it to the top!
You can't really tell from this pic, but we could see downtown Boston

the reservoir

My eyes are shut tight because the sweat dripping into
them is burning my retinas--that's not a smile,
it's a grimace of pain

Horn Pond
Of course what goes up must come down and we spent what seemed like forever trying to determine if we could continue on the path we were on or we needed to go back the way we came.  Turns out the path we were on was not conducive to pushing a stroller down as evidenced by the fact that one part of it was sheer rock.  We headed back down the path we came up and who should pass but the man who offered to help us with the stroller.  Apparently he was just running up and down the mountain.  God love him.  This man passed us like 8 times.  I was just trying to keep the stroller from hurtling down the mountain.  Thank goodness for the wrist strap. 

After our hard work we took our sweaty bodies and headed to Orange Leaf for some fro yo.  I've been wanting to try it, it was good, I probably won't go back.  My night ended with a soak in the tub, praising God for giving us this tub.   

So I sit here watching Kate Plus 8 and I wonder the following:

How can I get Paul to pay for me to have lipo and breast implants like Kate?  She looks way skinny!

When and how did she become such a hateful person?

Gotta go.  Have a busy day tomorrow packing for Dallas and running errands. 

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