Since I've been sick I haven't felt much like posting so this is a few days past due. I was planning on holding out on giving Em cereal until she turned 6 months old, but I got so excited to give her solids that Paul and I decided to just go for it! I think I succumbed to a little bit of self imposed peer pressure because all the other babies in my breastfeeding group that are around Em's age had started solids and I wanted to be in on the fun.
Of course the day after we started cereal I came down with this awful cold so pumping is the last thing I feel like doing and yet at the same time I have to pump to keep up my supply because I had to take decongestants. Its a viscous circle I tell ya! But I do need the pumped milk to mix with the cereal so its all working out. I've also been drinking Mother's Milk tea to keep supply up. It's actually pretty good and I like tea and tea is good for your cold...again a circle.
We started cereal at a time when we knew Paul would be able to be on skype and watch Emma. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more...Emma or Paul and I!
Skyping with Daddy |
Hey, what's going on? Why am I on the table? |
Hmmmm.... |
I don't know about this. |
I think I like it. |
I do like it! |
In other big Em news...she is getting BIG! I think she is going to weigh 17 or 18lbs at her 6 month well baby. She is rolling all over the floor resulting in the purchase of a new area rug for the living room. She's also figured out that it is super fun to snap mommy's bra strap while she nurses.
It's such a blessing that she's such an easy baby because not feeling well has left me not up to par. I give mad props to single mom's everywhere because it is exhausting! Of course I was thinking today how weird it is to be a stay at home mom with no husband to take care of! I'm sure not many single mommies have that luxury.
In one month Em and I will be heading down to Cape Cod for a family vacation with my dad, his lady friend, aunt, uncle, friend Emily, and her son Gavin. And then Em and I head to Florida for the rest of the year. Time is flying by.
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