Sunday, June 12, 2011


It is hard to believe how fast the last 4 months have gone by and that it is already just about time for Paul to head off to Afghanistan.  We spent our last Saturday together yesterday until he returns from overseas running errands and going out to dinner and icecream (which I did not drop this time, nor did I drop the baby).  Today we went to Bob's Clam Hut in Maine and had to eat outside even though it was a little cold (but not raining) and then on to Yummy's candy store.  As I type this Paul is upstairs packing.  He leaves tomorrow for Ft. Dix and I have really struggled all day not to cry.  It's hard to believe that when Paul found out he was deploying I was 9 months pregnant and now here we are with a 3 1/2 month old.  What a crazy whirlwind we've been on, but our journey has been amazingly blessed so far.  I tried to get lots of videos with Paul and Emma this weekend so she can watch them when he's deployed. 

I know Paul will miss our sparkling conversations such as the ones we had this weekend:

Me (yelling out the mini van window at the women in the car behind us who wouldn't back up to let me fully back out resulting in me having to do a 3 point turn): Thank you! (sarcastically)

Lady: You're welcome.

Me (yelling back): Douchebag!

Paul: I can't believe you just yelled at an old lady.  You should tweet that. 

Me:  People in ME are just as rude as people in Massachusetts.  I thought they'd be nicer for some reason.

On the way home we stopped for gas and there was a giant lobster you could stick your head through for pictures.

Me: I want a picture in that lobster.

Paul: Really?

Me:  Have you just met me?

Paul:  I was hoping you were kidding.

Driving home I pulled a screw driver out of the side of my door.

Me:  Here's a screw driver. 

Paul:  Why do you have that?

Me:  In case I need to stab someone.  Do you think this would be better or a flat head screw driver?

Paul:  For stabbing someone probably that kind.

Me:  Then I'm going to keep it just in case.

Paul:  Why would you need to stab someone?

Me:  You know if someone tries to reach in the car or something. 

Paul:  I'd hope you would just hit the gas.

Me:  You clearly do not spend all day watching Investigation Discovery channel.  A lot of women get abducted from their vehicles.

Paul:  You really think you'd stab someone with a screw driver?

Me:  Oh I would.  I'd stab someone if I needed to. 

I mean who is going to have those conversations with Paul in Afghanistan????  He is going to miss us for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are so cute. You can have conversations like that on Skype. Your time apart will fly by! (And you just cry... sometimes it helps!) Love you!



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