Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Life changes

It's been a long couple weeks. My mom drove up from NJ (after driving there from FL) to visit us and my sister and her boyfriend flew in from the west coast to surprise her. We had a busy busy weekend. Friday was spent exploring Boston with Paul able to take off work and come with us. We met Tom Babson at the Cheers bar...he played Sam's lawyer for 11 years on Cheers! We got autographs and pictures and that was pretty cool. I showed everyone my own personal tour add-ons...if you've ever had the Jenn McArtor Boston tour then you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, then you just need to come visit! Saturday Paul and I did a 5k fundraiser for our friend Greg and his wife and then raced home to shower so we could drive up to the Chauncey Creek Lobster Pier in Maine. Yummy!

Sunday we got up and went to Salem, MA and ate lunch at Kelly's Roast Beef. Someone in FL had told my mom about it. If you're not from New England then you don't understand New Englanders obsession with roast beef restaurants. I have to say I didn't either at first and now LOVE LOVE LOVE me some roast beef. I didn't think Kelly's was as good as Bill & Bob's so I was disappointed. After lunch we drove into Ipswich to go to Crane's Beach. We passed a little winery/orchard place and stopped on the way back. Yummy icecream and lots of neat stuff.

We also stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home because my mom had never been to one. I was exhausted! Monday was time to say goodbye and God bless my mom for driving everyone to the airport in early morning rush hour. I had a training for work and actually walked there (4 miles round trip).

Sunday we received sad news. Our cousin Karen had died of cancer. I hadn't seen her in a long time and feel a lot of regret that I didn't take the time to contact her before she passed away. I had recently sent a card, but it didn't make it in time. It just reinforced to me that life is so precious, that its important to take the time to tell people thanks or how much they mean to us. Karen had sent us a Christmas ornament with our name on it and I never told her how much that meant to me, but it will hold a special place on our tree.

Thursday I drove over to NJ for the wake and funeral. I have never been to a funeral filled with so much love. Karen lived an amazing life of service to others...her church, the Ladies Auxillery of the VFW, and 22 years working with AIDS patients at the hospital. Sadly, she didn't take the time to take care of herself. All everyone could say was what an incredible woman she was and how much she touched people's lives. The funeral was standing room only and had a line of cars probably a mile long on the way to the cemetary. Karen was in the military and the Honor Guard came to play taps and fold the flag from the casket.

My dad, aunt, and uncles were also in town (and I stopped to see my Grammy and we saw my dad's bff Howard and his wife Ellen), but the best part of the weekend (if a funeral can have a best part) was to get to know Karen's daughter, my cousin Katie. Katie just finished her freshman year of college and we've been emailing back and forth all year. She stayed with me at the hotel and I got to spend the weekend getting to know my cousin. She is incredible and I'm so glad that she chose to stay with me. Her and her friend Sarah are coming to visit for July 4th weekend and I cannot wait to see her again!

I was sad to leave on Sunday to come home. I think people can forget how much extended family can mean to them and I am so thankful for getting to spend the weekend with my family even if it took such a tragedy to bring us together again. I hope we remain in closer contact and make more of an effort to see each other. I'd like to plan a get together for my cousins where we can have a cousins weekend somewhere.

So I hope y'all out there are well and making the most of your lives and your time with those you love.

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