Monday, March 31, 2014

Obsession: Cadbury Eggs

I started to think about all the things I've become obsessed with over the years.  Much of it centers around reality tv and celebrities, but that is neither here nor there.  When you are a stay at home mommy you have to find things to occupy your mind other than whose pooped and who needs to poop.  Sure I could learn something new or be productive, but what fun is that.

Since the Easter candy season is upon, I have been gorging myself on Cadbury Eggs.

I know they sell them pretty much year round now, but there is something wrong about eating a Cadbury Egg at Halloween.  I save them for Easter only so that they're special...

Now I don't eat just regular old Cadbury Eggs. 

You have not LIVED until you've had a chocolate Cadbury Egg.  It has to be better than crack.  Possibly even better than Target.  Gasp.  Shock.  I know, I know!  But trust me.  Run, don't walk, to CVS or the grocery and buy as many of these heavenly goodies as you can.  Your mouth will thank you. 

And then in looking up Cadbury Egg pictures (again, could be doing so much more with my time) I came across this glory...

Surely this is a gift from God himself.  A brownie with a Cadbury Egg baked into it.  OMG.  In an effort to stay less than 300 lbs I will be walking to the local Food Lion today to purchase brownie mix so that I can make these tonight.  If hubby is lucky I will even make him some without the glory that is the Cadbury Egg because he doesn't like them (I don't know what's wrong with him either).  Here is the link to the website with the recipe.  Seems pretty straight forward.  Probably putting icing on them will send me into a diabetic coma, but I am willing to risk it for you, my loyal readers, all 4 of you. 

In other shocking news, I have not had Starbucks since March 10th.  Gasp.  I know!  I gave it up for Lent.  I know Lent started the 5th.  I was driving to and from Florida by myself with my 2 young children and there was no way on earth I was doing that without Starbucks.  I'm not gonna lie.  I may tear up a little every time I pass the Starbucks at Target without stopping, but I feel good.  I mean hello if I can't give up Starbucks for God then there is something wrong with me.  I thought about giving up wine, but come on.  Everyone has limits.  And Jesus drank wine.  He wouldn't want me to suffer. 

I hear the baby in her crib.  I guess I should go get her.  She is staring straight up at the monitor.  I'm pretty sure she knows I am watching her. 

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