Friday, January 3, 2014


Happy New Year!  In true fashion I am only 3 days late in wishing everyone happy new year.  Sigh.  And you may have noticed that I haven't blogged in a coons age.  There have been a lot of times that I intend to blog, but I have been lazy. 

It's easy to lose yourself as a mom.  Your days are spent making breakfast, making lunches, breastfeeding, feeding, laundry, whatever cleaning you can squeeze in, and making dinner.  I am uber impressed with mom's who are motivated to do other things like blog and work out and not look homeless.  When I drop the toddler off at school I generally look like I'm rolling up after an all night kegger at the frat house.  Sigh. 

So this year I am finding myself again.  2014 is going to be the year of me.  Well as me as I can get with 2 small children to care for.  I am starting with a facebook hiatus for the month of January.  I just read something that said social media is as addictive as gambling and I believe that.  My days started and ended with checking my facebook, not to mention all the parts in the middle.  I feel like I can't even be stopped at a traffic light without picking up my phone and that is not the person I want to be.  I want social media to be a fun diversion, not my whole life. 

We have been in Florida for 2 weeks and head home on Sunday.  It has been fun, but I am ready to get home although I sort of am wondering what craziness possessed me when I thought I could drive home with just the girls and myself.  The hubby asked me on the trip down, when both girls were crying, if I was still glad I decided to drive home without him.  Um, hell no.  I made a poor choice.  Oh well.  We'll make it. 

The toddler will be 3 before we know it and the baby is the size of most 1 year olds.  And even though I haven't slept in 3.5 years and I look like an old hag I wouldn't change any of it. 

And hopefully I can start blogging regularly again. 

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