Thursday, April 11, 2013


Holy crap.  I just emailed the director of admissions for an international school where we are moving.  I don't know if I'm ready for all this.

The school is great.  Em would be exposed to both French and Spanish in the toddler program and then the preschool program is a full immersion program.  I am NOT ready for the preschool program.  They go on field trips.  I think I'd have a heart attack.  But a 2 morning a week toddler program...I might be able to xanax my way through that.

The thing is that I'm really excited for the possibility of this opportunity for Em.  I think she'd love it and I think she'd learn a lot and she loves to play with other kids and it would allow me alone time with the new baby.


All I can think about is the school shooting in CT and all those sweet babies killed.

I know I cannot live my life with Em strapped to my side.  It's not healthy for her and it's not healthy for me.  I don't want her to grow up afraid of every little thing.  She deserves to explore the world.

So, assuming tuition is not a billion dollars per semester and that they still have openings I will work through my fears and anxiety and enroll Em in the toddler program.  For I truly believe that it is only through facing the things that scare us and overcoming them do we really grow as people.

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