Friday, September 28, 2012

A Reminder

Last week my People magazine featured Kate Middleton (Prince William's wife) on the cover with the tag line "Tragedy" because the Princess had been photographed topless while on vacation.  I felt a little disgusted and outraged.  Yes, being photographed topless is an invasion of privacy, but being photographed topless while on a luxurious vacation is NOT a tragedy.  And so I sent the following letter to the Editor at People magazine.

Dear People,

I was disturbed by your recent cover featuring Kate Middleton and the word "tragedy" in response to her being photographed topless. I think you need to re-examine your use of the word tragedy. Soldiers and civilian employees being killed in Afghanistan, leaving behind loved ones, are tragedies. Homelessness and poverty in the USA are tragedies. Children being abused is a tragedy. Human trafficking is a tragedy. Parents outliving their children is a tragedy. Kate Middleton being photographed topless while on a luxurious vacation is NOT a tragedy. It's an invasion of privacy.

If you want to do a true story on tragedy why not spread the word on EB, about children being born with a horrific, painful, rare disease? Courtney Roth lost her 2 year old son this January. THAT is a tragedy.

The suffering of baby Easton is a tragedy.!/SupportBabyEastonFriedel

A family who can't afford medical supplies for their child because the husband got laid off from his job with the Department of Juvenile Justice and the closest hospital that can work with a child with EB is 4 hours away is a tragedy.

People magazine reaches so many people. I know it is primarily a celebrity magazine, but you also profile people in need or doing good in the world. Please keep the use of the word tragedy to true tragedies.

Jenn M.

I look at my daughter and thank God every day that she's healthy.  I can't imagine what these parents are going through or how they feel and I thank God for that, too.  When she's whining or fussy or wakes me up for the 3rd time in the middle of the night I remind myself how many parents would give anything to be in my shoes right now with their child.  I don't know why a terrible disease like EB exists.  I do know that these children are beautiful.  Through all the pain and tears and things you and I can't begin to process they smile and play and laugh.  Children are much stronger than us adults could ever hope to be.

Perhaps we should all approach the world with the strength of a child.

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