Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Damn 5k part II

Paul has been on this big fitness kick. I was doing pretty well working out at home and doing my weight watchers until 2 friends from FL came to visit during a 2 week period and it all went to hell...a hell consisting of alcohol and fried foods. So part of Paul's fitness kick has been running this summer 5k series. The first time we went was when Melissa was here so Melissa and I walked around Lowell while Paul did the 5k. Afterwards she and I enjoyed beer and pizza while Paul sweated.

Tonight Paul forced me to run. Okay, run may be too strong a word. Let's say he forced me to participate. Oh, did I mention the theme? It was a "Bikini Run" meaning people ran in bathingsuits. I ran in pants and a t-shirt with a flying hippo on it. Here are my thoughts during the 5k:

"I f**ing hate all these women in bathingsuits. Who would run in a bathingsuit? I could never run in a bathingsuit. Ewww, she shouldn't be in a bikini. I think I'm having a heart attack. I can't do this. Why is Paul making me do this? Maybe I can make myself pass out before it starts."

Then the 5k actually started.

"Okay, I'm running. This isn't so bad. Danielle's in front of me. Hey, there's Paula. Crap, I gotta walk."

"When is it going to be a mile? I thought they said there was a water station at the 1 mile point. I haven't gone a mile yet. How can that be?"

"Sweet Jesus. One mile. Only one mile. I have a cramp. Keep moving. Keep moving."

"When is it going to be 2 miles? Where is the second damn water station? I don't want to be last again. I don't know if I can finish."

"Okay, just jog a little. A little more. I wish Emily was here. I think I'm going to throw up."

"Okay, stay in front of this lady. I think she's last and I don't want to be last. Just keep moving. Breathe, breathe, slower. You can do this."

"Hey, there's Paul. Run, run."

And then out loud "Where's the end? Where's the end?"

Of course to make it more embarrassing all of Paul's friends were waiting for my slow ass. Granted, I do feel that was very nice; however, I was so out of breath when I crossed the finish line that I couldn't really appreciate it.

My real question was this: Where is this "runner's high" people always talk about? I feel like I got screwed because I never felt a rush of endorphines. Mostly I just felt cranky and annoyed and hot. I also had some concern I may have a heart attack or throw up.

Am I ever going to a runner? Probably not. I think those days are past. Do I need to do something to lose weight? Absolutely because I just get fatter by the day. Am I going to run next week? Probably not.

I did think of my friend Emily the whole time I ran. Her voice was what kept me moving forward because we ran the last 5k together and she was the BEST coach ever! I wished she could've been here with me tonight.

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