1) Much like honey badger, baby don't care. She just don't care.
2) Honey badger eats cobras and will relentlessly pursue the cobra. This is how I feel when I pick up the baby. It's like being attacked by a honey badger. She is going to get a boob in her mouth and she isn't going to stop until she wins.
3) Much like the bite of the cobra can knock out honey badger temporarily so can breast milk knock out the baby. Temporarily. Very very temporarily.
4) Eat, sleep, poop...this applies to both honey badger and baby.
5) Much like the honey badger, the baby sleeps in whatever awkward position she lands in.
6) Both baby and honey badger eat constantly. As in all the time.
7) Honey badgers and babies...they just take what they want. And poor boobies and cobras are the ones to suffer!