Wednesday, June 5, 2013


To add to my breastfeeding discomfort I have been diagnosed with thrush.  Holy boobie pain!  As if breastfeeding a newborn wasn't uncomfortable enough, try adding burning hot, fire needles in your nipples and breasts.  And when I say burning hot the closest similarity I can think of is when you are taking something out of the oven and burn your arm and it hurts like a mo imagine that pain INSIDE your breasts.  

If you think you have thrush (and you will suspect you do with the burning and the fact that your nipples look DISGUSTING and your child may have thrush in their mouth or bum) then call your ob immediately.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect $200.  Call now.  And call your pedi so your infant can get on meds, too.  You both need to be treated to get over this and not keeping pass it back and forth.


FYI its taken me 45 minutes to write this email between giving the baby the pacifier 192 separate times...193...and getting the toddler food and turning on the ipad and changing diapers and...

Do you think I can tape the pacifier to the infant's face?  No?

Saturday, June 1, 2013


I nursed my oldest daughter till she was 11 1/2 months old.  I probably would've nursed her longer, but she weaned herself and didn't want any part of it.  The last memory I have of nursing is an almost toddler who about could ask for a drink herself and latch herself on whether I was paying attention or not.  Self sufficient is that one.

I'm now nursing our newborn.  Our newborn who has jaws like a steel trap.  Our newborn whose jaws couldn't be pried open by the jaws of life once she clamps on.  I'm pretty sure she could catch a bear with her jaws.

I know there are a lot of moms who breastfeed their children.  Some of them are more into it than others.  Don't get me wrong.  I love older child.  Nursing a newborn sucks ass.

I have a second appointment with the lactation consultant on Monday.  I'm pretty sure my one nipple is infected as it's leaking clear fluid.  I won't describe what it looks like in case you're eating.

When it's time to nurse my nipples actually cure up a little and shrivel back inside my body a la the Wicked Witch on the Wizard of Oz when she gets hit by the house.  I swear my newborn has tiny shards of glass embedded in her gums.  There are times when it literally feels like my nipples are on fire.  Fire!

Someday though life will get better because she won't cluster feed from 7pm till 11pm and I can go back to drinking wine in the evening.  Wine makes everything tolerable.

God has finally blessed me with a newborn that actually sleeps (ya know sleep when the baby sleeps and all that crap), He has also continues to bless me with a toddler who won't.

I have to go stink my head in the toilet to drown myself out the sounds of my toddler crying "mommy" repeatedly from the bedroom of our 18 square foot hotel room because she doesn't want to take a nap for the 31st day in a row.


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